In World War II, the German Nazis took babies of Jewish families and swung them by their heels into brick walls to kill them. The German government under Hitler used their propaganda machine to lable the Jewish people "less than human". They segregated them into gettos and death camps and murdered them by the millions. The German people were convinced of the correctness of their beliefs by a massive attack and propaganda effort by that satanic cult called the Nazi party. They clung to the Nazis because they, by force, pulled Germany from the economic collapse caused by their defeat in World War I to a position of strength and economic power by the beginning of World War II. They, too, lost understanding of eternal truths and history and accepted tyrrany because they saw a significant improvement in their economic well being.
A story appeared in national newspapers yesterday spoke of the U.S. Government's Office of Homeland Security publishing a report that, according to The Associated and OneNews Now, "...links people with pro-life, anti-illegal immigration views, teachers of end-time prophecies, and veterans of war with "right-wing extremist" groups." It goes on to say that "...The report says right-wing extremism in the United states can be broadly divided into those groups, movements, and adherents that are primarily "hate-oriented" and those that are mainly anti-government, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority or rejecting government authority entirely."
What is the state of our nation when, because a group of people disagree with the Federal Government's anti-Christian propaganda, disagree with the U.S. Supreme Court's legalizing the killing of unborn children upon demand, that support the Bible's definition of marriage that every civilized society for over five-thousand years has adopted, they are target by the government at "extremists", and a threat to national security?
My question is, why would anyone believe that a government that has done everything possible to destroy the Constitution as it was intended to be interpreted by the founding fathers deserve to be supported and allowed to continue to govern? That government is the scurge of the planet. It deserves to be overthrown; it deserves to be kicked out of governing decent, Christian people who believe in the sanctity of life, who believe in the Bible's definition of marriage, and who believe that this nation was truly founded as a Christian nation, and that it still is and still should be defined as a Christian nation that allows freedom of worship of God, not Satan.
Americans are going to wake up; either voluntarily, or by act of God. They are going to eventually realize that a nation that turns its back on God cannot endure. They are going to realize that there are consequences as a result of ungodly behavior, and those consequences are sometimes very painful, even when the offender(s) realize the error of their ways and seek forgiveness. Forgiveness is freely given to those whose hearts are truly sorry for their wrongdoings and who confess those wrongdoings. But forgiveness does not mean that the offenders no longer must suffer the consequences of their actions.
America is paying now for those wrongdoings, and it is only going to get worse before it gets better. The outcome is inevitable, but the pain can be greatly lessened if we simply abandon our sinful ways and go back to the beliefs that our founding fathers held to as they fought for our independence, then formed this republic and its constitution. THAT is the kind of change we need; not Mr. Obama's definition of change.