Thursday, November 1, 2012

AMERICA, ESPECIALLY OHIO! Do the Right Thing for an old soldier...Vote ROMNEY!

I am a retired U.S. Army Major. As a retiree, I certainly am concerned about this economy. Being on pretty much of a fixed income, and as someone that has reached the age where nobody wants to hire someone of my age, I am looking at a very uncertain future. Yet, as I look at this election, I really get more concerned when I hear everyone saying the economy is the main thing that they are worried about. I think that is a very selfish, very short-range view of what America's real problems are, and that scares the you-know-what out of me.

I spent twenty years serving this nation. The military does something to a person that a non-military person cannot understand. People like Michael Moore, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and, in general, the left-wing liberals of the Democratic Party have no real idea what true love of country is like a soldier feels it. Every soldier, whether he is a front-line combat soldier or a rear-area logistic or personnel clerk understands that as a member of the military, in the time of national crisis, we may be called on to lay down his or her life to preserve this nation's freedoms. Politicians and liberals, on the other hand, look at this nation as a great evil monster, and have a mindset that they are going to be the saviors of our nation by transforming it into a politically correct, socialist, nanny state where the rich are persecuted and taxed into mediocrity, where the poor are continually enslaved by the government through social programs that redistribute income from the rich to the poor in turn for the votes of the poor.

There is a consistent pattern from President Obama and his administration that is extremely dangerous to the future viability of America's future. Obama's dismantling of the military, his outright antagonistic treatment of the Christian foundations of this nation, his statements that “America is no longer a Christian nation”, his refusal to attend a national day of prayer, but his praying with the Muslims on a Muslim day of prayer in Washington, D.C., his refusal to place his hand over his heart during the national anthem, and his disastrous handling of the economy and his government takeover of the national health care system are killing America. Now, his handling of the Libyan ambassador's pleas for help on 9/11 and the ensuing lies and cover-up of the handling of that attack which resulted in the death of the Ambassador and three other Americans are absolutely criminal.

As a student of the connection between this nation's history as a Christian nation [yes...that is what I said, and the beliefs and writings of our nation's founders confirm the assertion that America was founded as a Christian nation]. Our founders fled Europe and England and came to the new world hoping for a life where their economic and religious freedoms to worship God could be expressed according to their own wills, and not dictated by a monarchy or a dictator. They were NOT seeking the absence of religious practice, but the freedom to practice their form of Christianity without persecution.

The writings of the founders repeatedly confessed their belief that the future of this nation's growth, prosperity and freedom from tyranny was dependent upon its reliance upon the mercies and blessing of God. As they declared their freedom, they did so openly confessing that for them to gain and hold their freedom, God would have to sustain and empower them against the attacks of England and other enemies that would seek to enslave them and strip them of their freedoms to pursue their dreams of prosperity through their own hard work and their ability to determine their own form of government and how that government would function. Here are three examples of statements from our leaders stating their belief that following the guidelines outlined in the Bible had to be the basis of our nation's guiding principles, or the nation would not endure:
George Washington said… “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible”
Andrew Jackson said… That book, sir, is the rock on which the republic rests.”
Daniel Webster said ”If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.”

President Obama is a man on a mission, and that mission is to move America towards membership in a one world form of government; a huge nanny state that restricts the individual's ability to be whatever he wants to be and earn whatever he is willing to takes the risks and put out the efforts to do. Instead, he wants to allow individuals to earn only as much as this one world government deems is proper, then take the rest away and distribute it as this one world government sees fit in order to...give everyone a fair share and level the playing field. He is a pathological liar, as are most all liberal politicians. They tell the people what they want them to believe, then will lie looking them straight in the face and do all they can to cover up the truth so that their lies will not be uncovered and exposed.

Most politicians are liars today. Their big trick is to “spin” things so that they can twist the facts around and make it seem as though their way of looking at things is the only proper way to view them. That is the very reason that the First Amendment to the Constitution was written, so that there would always be a free press out there and that free press would be the watchdog for the citizens of this great nation against a government trying to lie and manipulate them.

President Obama is a master manipulator. We see it in what is happening with regards to their debacle in Benghazi, Libya. There, the President and his administration's failure to act caused the death of four brave Americans. Then, instead of telling the truth about what happened, the President and his cohorts have gone into full stone-walling and cover-up mode, trying to put the blame on some independent film casting a bad light on the Muslim prophet Mohammad, instead of recognizing the event as a well-planned, coordinated attack by Muslim extremist groups to cause more harm to America's image on the 11th anniversary of 9/11/2001. As the evidence continues to come in, the President and his cohorts are only digging their holes deeper as they stone-wall and refuse to discuss the issue at all, and the liberal press are barely mentioning it for fear it might cause the President to lose his re-election bid.

This is a man that needs to be stopped. He and his entire administration need to be run out of Washington D.C. on a rail. He is un-American, he is a economic fool, an incompetent and gutless commander in chief, and he WILL destroy America. It is time for Americans to realize that there is really something more important than their own pocketbooks. We need to be Americans first in this election. We need to protect America first, and stop this fool before he has another four years to dismantle the America that our founding founders created.

To the people of America, and especially those in Ohio...I beg you to look beyond this temporary economic situation. America is a resilient nation of brave, industrious people, and this nation will recover from the economic recession in the long run. Instead of wasting your worries on the temporal things like the economy, look at a bigger picture of America's future; that of its destiny as ordained by our founders and by God. America was formed as a nation where people were free to be all that they could make themselves to be. We were a nation whose foundations were structured around Christian principles; a nation that feared God, yet understood that by putting God first, our nation's future would be bright and the freedoms that the nation was founded to provide would endure. If you want our nation to endure and prosper, you must turn aside from this socialist, this anti-Christian, closet Muslim, and this evil, diabolical, despicable excuse of a politician and leader that lied and bamboozled himself into the Presidency and elect a man that has shown true moral, religious, and ethical strength, and has experience in creating success, rather than failure.

If you respect our military, I can tell you that virtually every military person that has been involved in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is NOT supporting Obama. We think that he is a joke, a HORRIBLE leader, a fool, and a dangerous lunatic. We felt the same way about President Clinton. We still believe that Islamic militants are a serious threat to American citizens. We love America, have made the commitment that if required, we are willing to lay down our lives to protect American freedoms, but we do NOT want to die if we are being treated like political cannon fodder to protect a nut-case's fear of offending people who want to kill us. I care NOTHING about offending people who want to kill us; I want to kill them BEFORE they kill us, and unless you vote this sorry excuse of a Commander in Chief out of office, I can promise you that it is not a matter of IF, but only a matter of WHEN his weakness against the Islamic militants will result in another disaster like 9/11 happening here in America, but probably with more disastrous results than the first one. It is only by the grace of God that the number of deaths on 9/11 was not in the twenty to thirty THOUSAND, instead of the 3,000+ that occurred in the first attacks.

I appeal to your love of country, your belief in the military, and your sense of national security to NOT vote for Obama, but to vote for Romney. Obama is a loser; he is a con-artist, a liar, and a fool. He is an American hater, a socialist, and a closet Muslim, and we cannot stand another four years of this.

Do the right thing, Ohio. Vote Obama out of office; vote for Romney.

Friday, October 26, 2012


American women that are standing on the rooftops and screaming that there is somehow a huge subplot among conservative Americans to take them back to the days of the stone ages is about the biggest bunch of horse hockey that I have every heard of. Talk about politics gone crazy! But what is scary, is that the Democratic Party and the liberal, anti-God, anti-Christian, anti-life psychopaths that are trying to convince the world that conservatives are anti-women are actually having some level of success.

WOMEN OF AMERICA, WAKE UP!!! You are being played like puppets on a string, and apparently you are just so willing to go along with it that you have sold your brains, your common sense, and your real freedoms to the gods of liberalism and sexual freedom.

Anytime someone comes up with any statement that says that abortion is anything but a God-given right to a woman at anytime, under any conditions is automatically branded a whack-o, a woman hater, a chauvinist, and worthy of contempt, destruction, and damnation. But let's go back a few decades and look at the way his abortion controversy came to light. In the 1950's, abortion was a crime. The Catholic church went so far as to say that in the case of having to choose between saving the mother's life and the child's life, the child's life was to take precedent. In those days, sexual purity until marriage was still something that was believed in as a virtue and something that was highly venerated by society.

Then, along came the sixties and the “free love” movement. The temptations and introductions of mind-altering drugs into high school and college kids' lives became more and more commonplace. The U.S. Supreme Court in 1973 in Miller -vs- California abandoned the nearly century old Regina -vs- Hecklin measurements for defining obscenity and opened pandora's box, so-to-speak, which has got America (and the rest of the world) to the point that full nudity and pornography is as common as seeing Lucy and Desi in granny robes and full pajamas was in the 50s; it is now impossible to protect our children from pornography.  

The sexual revolution of the sixties and seventies culminated in a landmark case that is both hated and revered by women all over; Roe-vs-Wade in 1973, which by the Court's reading into the protection in the Constitution of due process as provided in the 14th Amendment {Section 1.All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.} . That this somehow extended to a woman having absolute control over what she does with her body in private, therefore if she wishes to kill her unborn child, that is her Constitutional right is beyond comprehension. Especially if one examines what the writers of the 14th Amendment were intending to accomplish when they wrote it.

This decision along with innumerable others that time does not permit listing , in my mind, proves that the U.S. Supreme Court is a purely political body, subject to the political mindset of the continually changing waves of public sentiment, and as such, makes its decisions not on what the intent of the provision of the Constitution being debated was intended by its author(s) to provide the citizens of the nation, but instead on the pressures and social agenda of the day.

Seriously, someone would have to be a very creative individual to first of all read into this article of the Constitution anything that could be construed as there being any issue of privacy of a woman's body that would allow her to destroy a life within her. That is infanticide, plain and simple. A child, absent of any proactive actions, from the moment of conception would continue to grow and eventually would pass out of the womb and into the world as a living, breathing human being. It takes a physical act of intervention (murder, infanticide) or an act of God to stop that process. That physical act, until this really stupid and cruel ruling by the Court in Roe-vs-Wade was called murder, and had been for centuries.

This paranoia by women that it this effort to halt abortion is an attempt to put them back in their rights for equal treatment under the law is absurd. It is the work of women who somehow think it is better to all women to have the right to have unprotected sex anytime they want, then if by some mistake they become pregnant, rather than have their lifestyle cramped by this new life, it is legal to kill it before it ever sees the light of day.

I have a real problem with that on a lot of levels:
  • In today's world, contraceptives are readily available. A woman can buy birth control pills for about $9.00 a month, or if indigent, can get them free at Planned Parenthood. There really is NO excuse to have unprotected sex anymore. If a woman is too impatient, too 'liberated”, or too anxious to take precautions before having sex, that should not be a reason to kill an unplanned, unwanted child. If she has no protection, nor does the man, then they should NOT take the risk of having sex; they should wait. If they cannot wait or cannot go get protection, then if a pregnancy results, that is NO excuse to kill the child.
  • I remember what it was like to be a young boy, but I also remember that my parents instilled in me something called respect for a young girl. I was taught that to make sexual advances to young ladies was an insult to those women. Today, women seem to have been taught the exact opposite; that if a young man does NOT make sexual advances towards her, that she should be insulted. I guess women are being taught by society that the only thing about them that deserves respect is their sexual attractiveness. Is that what you “liberated women” be viewed as worthwhile only if you can elicit sexual advances from young men? It is beyond me how that can possible be considered a woman being treated equally in society. What about your brains, what about your contributions to society, what about your morality, what about your service to mankind and your fellow citizen? WAKE UP, ladies! You are being manipulated and maneuvered by advertisers, Hollywood, and liberals into becoming a single-value person; a sexual animal, good for breeding purposes, but nothing else, and you are letting it happen and the destruction of your real self-worth is being conducted by your own misguided liberal gender.
  • Women today are being told that they are paid less than a man doing the same job. That is not right, and I believe that if a woman does the exact same job as a man and does it equally as well as a man, then the two should be paid the same. Period!
  • I get REALLY MAD when I hear women get up and say that if a person does not agree with Roe-vs-Wade that abortion should be legal, that man wants to suppress women's rights and drive them back into the homes and make them all “good little wives”. That is hogwash and a purely political, self-serving, divisive tactic to deflect the real heart of the issue. People who object to children being treated like a mole or tumor instead of a person understand not only the physical sciences have proven that life begins at conception, but that to take the life of an innocent, unborn child under any circumstances is a criminal act against a defenseless, innocent person, and should be considered as murder.
    • Well, women are constantly throwing up the cases of what if a woman is raped, gets pregnant from incest, or the life of the mother is threatened by the continuation of the pregnancy. What should the law say, and what should women do there? Honestly, those are difficult questions that I cannot answer. If measures are taken immediately after sex which prevent the baby from ever being formed in the mother's uterus, I am not morally or theologically equipped to determine whether that is a crime or a sin or both or neither. However, if the child is formed in the mother's womb, then we still have the same situation as initially mentioned; under what (if any) circumstances is it proper to destroy a healthy fetus that, if left alone, would develop and be born as a human child? Morally, and legally, that seems to cry out as murder of the most innocent of our citizens, the defenseless, innocent child.  
    • Many state and federal laws are on the books that state that someone who kills a pregnant woman and in that act the unborn child also dies will be charged with two murders. Those laws recognize the life of the unborn fetus as that of a human being. Why does the method of conception of the child change the circumstances or the status of that child as a protected citizen of the United States of America or the State in which the child is conceived? Those laws do not differentiate on whether the woman was married, unmarried, whether the child was conceived in love, through rape, or through incest.  They just say it is a person that was murdered.
    • There have been numerous studies done since Roe-vs-Wade was made law. Some of the more recent ones by organizations like The Alan Guttmacher Institute and Planned Parenthood's Family Planning Perspectives show that of all abortions performed, approximately one percent (1%) involve rape or incest claims, and approximately six percent (6%) of abortions performed involve situations where the life of the mother might endangered. Therefore, approximately ninety-three percent of all abortions performed are done as a matter of convenience to the mother. That equates to approximately thirty-nine million children (worldwide) being aborted each year for the convenience of the mother.

These statistics are extremely alarming. Every day in America, approximately three-thousand, seven hundred children are killed in the womb, or even more grotesquely, while being partially born, or even after being born. In my mind, that is just wrong, and no amount of justification or poorly concieved argument by a sick and warped U.S. Supreme Court can justify it.

Women, if you want to be given equal treatment under the law, then do things that would justify it. But standing in a crowd and demanding the right to kill an innocent, unborn child to me does not evoke sympathy or support. It evokes the most vile form of contempt I as a man can imagine. It to me represents a woman who values herself in one venue, that of a sexual object, and is demanding the right to be a totally irresponsible, and if required, murderous sexual object in order to feel equal. Anyone that demonstrates that type of mentality is, in my mind, no equal of mine, but something to be pitied, avoided, and prayed for.

By the way, I believe that every woman deserves the chance to do any job in the marketplace, as long as she can do it. But I do NOT believe that an employer should have to make any “special” arrangements for a woman to do that same job where a man would not need any “special” arrangements. It is not my responsibility to have to pay extra to get a job done just so a woman can be given that job. You want equal treatment, that is exactly what you get. If you can do the job, great. If you cannot, I am sorry, but to expect me to pay extra or to accept sub-standard performance just so a woman can fill the job...not something I feel I should be required to do, unless I cannot find a man that can do the job, but a woman that can do it with a “special” arrangement. Then, OK.
The end result must be an equal or better performance by a woman in a job for that woman to receive equal or better pay.

And ladies, no sense trying to dream up a thousand “what-ifs”. Every scenario can be scrutinized to death and a thousand twists added which change the situation. The general guideline is equal pay for equal work for men or women. But if you demand respect, you earn that, and screaming “WAR ON WOMEN” to keep a right to kill an innocent, unborn child...that only evokes contempt on my part; not respect in any shape, form, or fashion.

No, What America now have are a bunch of Pharisees and Sadducees sitting on the benches in the Federal Courts who may know the letter of the law, but are either clueless to what the authors of those laws or articles intended, or who are just so vile that they could care less what the intent was, and they try to twist the “words” so that they can meet a goal of changing society to meet what they think it should be, depending on their political and social beliefs of the day.

Our Forefathers understood the danger of twisting the intent of the laws as they were written and using modern-day interpretations or language when deciding cases. Listen to what some of the founders said regarding changing the purposes of laws:

  • In a famous early Supreme Court Case, Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States (1892)United States Supreme Court, the court stated this: It is a familiar rule that a thing may be within the letter of the statute and yet not within the statute, because not within its spirit, nor within the intention of its makers. . . . [F]requently words of general meaning are used in a statute, words broad enough to include an act in question, and yet a consideration of the whole legislation, or of the circumstances surrounding its enactment, or of the absurd results which follow from giving such broad meaning to the words, makes it unreasonable to believe that the legislator intended to include the particular act.
  • James Madison, 4th President of the United States, to Henry Lee on June 25, 1824: “I entirely concur in the propriety of restoring to the sense in which the Constitution was accepted and ratified by the nation. In that sense alone is the legitimate Constitution. And if that be not the guide in expounding it, there can be no security for a consistent and stable, more than for a faithful, exercise of its powers….What a metamorphosis would be produced in the code of law if all its ancient phraseology were to be taken in its modern sense.”
  • President Thomas Jefferson wrote this to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court William Johnson June 12, 1823: “On every question of construction, carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed”

When the U.S. Supreme Court decided in the middle of the 20th century to abandon a century and a half of using the original intent of the authors of the Constitution to determine the constitutionality of a modern law, and instead decided to use the current court's judgment and see if it could find a modern way to interpret the “words” of the Constitution and therefore re-engineer American Society according to the society's social opinions of the day, it set the stage for practices that destroyed the America that our founding fathers intended to establish when they wrote the documents two-hundred plus years ago.

Women, get your head out of your reproductive parts and look at the world in rational terms. You have progressed amazingly over the last few years in equality in the job market. Women are flying fighters and participating in combat in the military. You have changed the mindset of corporate America to where they view women as equals in capability and performance in virtually every category. Yet your gender seems willing to forgo all of these gains and still define your equality status on the ability to kill your unborn children upon demand, with virtually no restrictions on justifications for doing so. Get real, women. You are more than this, and it very degrading to yourselves and your gender to identify your equality by this criteria.

Shame on you for degrading yourselves by these actions.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

IN GOVERNMENT: "FACTS" -vs- "STATISTICS" Don't be misled!!!

 I read an interesting article lately by Leonard Pitts, a nationally published commentator from Florida, who wrote an article entitled “The unemployment rate and GOP’s ‘War on Reality’. In that article, Mr. Pitts makes what sounds like a very logical argument that because the GOP is questioning the “facts” of the Obama administration and the liberal press's claims that the unemployment rate dropped to 7.8%, they are waging a “war on reality” so that they can discredit the Obama administration and win votes. Mr. Pitts thinks this is wrong, claiming that in order for rational decisions to be made, there has to be a commonly agreed upon body of facts. That is a very valid point, but where Mr. Pitts fails in his analysis is that “facts” are indisputable information. I am male...indisputable; Mount Everest is the highest mountain on earth...indisputable. Government statistics, are, unfortunate, not facts; they are statistics, and every first year business major that has taken Statistics 101 knows the adage “GIGO”, or “Garbage in, Garbage Out”. Simply put, if I make a statistical claim, the validity and the accuracy of that claim is based upon what data I use to develop that claim. If I use valid sampling rates from a valid body of evidence for my numbers, and I properly evaluate those samples, and I properly state the margin or probability of error in those calculations, then I can draw a fairly believable conclusion from that data.

There are two critical components that must be done accurately in order to come up with believable statistics:
  1. The body of evidence from which the sample of data is collected.
  2. The size of the sample
A third factor is important, but it is related to the first two, and that is the time factor of when the sample of data was collected to when the outcome is reported.
For example, if I am sampling the percentage of shirts that are produced with flaws in them, then I should take an equal number of samples each day of production over a specified period of time. I should take a sample large enough to be representative of a typical production run, I should take the sample from the same style and size of shirt, and I should take a sample that would be representative of all of the individuals that are involved in the production of that shirt.

If my sample is too small, then I stand a chance of not having a large enough number of flawed shirts in order to accurately project the probability of getting a flawed shirt. 

 If I take my sample only on a Monday, then I am probably going to get a higher number of flawed shirts that if I took samples from Monday, Wednesday, and Friday because more people are going to be “recovering” from the weekend and are therefore more likely to make a mistake that could cause a flawed shirt to be produced. 

 If I take my sample from the slowest period during my production year, then I am more likely to get a sample with the smallest number of flawed shirts because my workers are not being pushed as hard to meet production demands, and can pay more attention to detail as they manufacture.

For example, If I am calculating “unemployment”, I can determine one set of numbers using the total number of persons filing for new unemployment compensation nationwide as a “set” of data point.   But, to insure a representative and accurate sample, I also must include some other factors, such as a estimate of the total number of vacant job positions available which are filled, the total numbers of deaths in the categories of individuals looking for work, of individuals who died that were included in the numbers of individuals working, and I SHOULD include the numbers of individuals who gave up looking for work because they could not find a job,because they could not find a job that paid enough for them to feel justified in going to work, or just decided that they could get by working odd jobs that do not go into the statistical calculations.

Out of all those “statistics”, there is only one that is available readily to have fairly reliable data, and that is the number of new applications for unemployment. That is data readily available from government computers. The rest of the “variables” in the equation are “estimates” based on a statistical “model”. Variables are bodies of data that, if not properly calculated, can significantly sway the overall outcome of the end result being sought.

For example, in this example regarding unemployment, if I want to slant the result to reduce the unemployment statistic, I could do several things:
  1. I could choose to include an estimate of the number of new jobs which was created that are still unfilled to a LOWER number. By doing so, the percentage of people that are employed as compared to the number of jobs available would be a higher percentage, thus making the number of people unemployed less.
  2. I could take a sample of those who are finding jobs as compared to those who are not finding jobs from a cross-section of the population where the likelihood of individuals finding jobs is statistically higher.
  3. I could “estimate” the number of deaths in the sampling body of individuals seeking jobs to be higher than it should be, thus lowering the numbers of individuals looking for work
Mr. Pitts argues that for a valid decision to be made, we must have a set of “facts” that both sides can agree on as valid from which we can begin our debate. I wholeheartedly agree. For that to happen, however, there must be universal agreement that the statistical analysis from which the “facts” being used to come up with the “facts” is a valid analysis, and in today's political arena, we both know that the probability of that happening is, as the old cowboy used to say “slim and none!”. BOTH sides can, with a great deal of validity, find data that was used to create the facts in question which cold sway the statistical conclusion in a direction that is favorable or unfavorable to their liking.

That is why, in MY opinion, it is a mistake for the citizenry of a nation to rely too heavily upon some statistical analysis to decide who should be a President or not. When the nation does that, then it becomes not a decision that is based upon what direction is better for the nation in the long run, but what side's representatives are the more cunning and convincing debaters, and when that happens, that comes down to which candidate lies the best.

The decision on who should be running our nation is a decision that SHOULD be based on which candidate is trying to make America the nation that our forefathers wanted it to be, and that is a nation where the individual states had the responsibility and the Constitutional authority to make most of the decisions regarding how to govern its citizens.

The majority of the founders of this nation were vehemently against a big, overly-controlling central government. They established a very strict process by which an individual could become a citizen of this great nation. Which party wishes more to protect America against an uncontrolled influx of illegal aliens?

The founders of this great nation wanted this nation's government to be constrained by the people, not visa-versa. Which party is in favor of less regulation and more freedom for its citizens?

This nation knew that the ultimate protection of the citizens against a tyrannical central (Federal) government was the citizen's rights to bear arms. Which party is trying the hardest to protect that right, and which party is trying to turn those rights over to a world-governing body like the United Nations?

This nation's most fundamental founding principle was freedom of religion. Which party is trying to destroy that freedom by regulating churches fundamental beliefs in the sanctity of life by mandating that those (or any church) that believes abortion is murder still be required to provide insurance coverage to people that will allow for abortion and birth control to be covered FREE for those desiring it?

America should be looking for one type of person to lead this nation, whether it be as President, or as an elected Representative or Senator, or as a judge. America's citizens should be looking for an individual who could care less about whether or not they are re-elected to an office or not. We should elect or an individual that goes to Washington with a solemn sense of obligation to do what his constituency want him to do, as long as that is consistent with the Constitution. If his constituency want him to do something that is NOT consistent with the Constitution, then he should either convince them that it is not consistent with the Constitution, or he should simply tell them that he will not vote for that, and then let them decide whether or not to send him to Congress or the White House or not.

That was the way this nation was founded, and was the principles of the first elected individuals. Career politicians are dangerous creatures; they become arrogant, become jaded by the adulation and praise of those seeking favors from them, and they become corrupted by the power brokering that is part of the Washington scene today. Our existing politicians are “party” animals; they cannot think, they simply will do exactly what their party leaders tell them to do, or they will be punished by getting insignificant or menial committee appointments or no committee appointments at all. That is where our citizens have allowed our government to evolve to. Our own apathy in government's goings on while we pursued our own selfish interests have given our representatives a free hand to vote themselves benefits and perks from the public treasury and to make themselves virtually invulnerable to prosecution or persecution. We should be ashamed.

Mr. Pitts is a self-professed liberal. Mr. Pitts is NOT a “reporter”, he is a columnist. As a columnist, he is entitled to present his opinions. However, as a responsible columnist, he should at least be willing to explain when he makes assertions like he did in his recent article mentioned above, that the “facts” as he is describing them, are certainly not “facts”, but statistical assertions that can be shot full of holes, or be verified as virtual “facts”, depending upon who is analyzing the way the “facts” are derived.

Both political parties are quick to “slant” their studies to hopefully present themselves as the side to which the statistics point as being correct. Unfortunately, unlike the old days, there are a lot of very intelligent people out there just waiting to show them for what they are. Both are liars, cheats, and not to be trusted any further than they can be thrown. Both candidates in this race have their strengths and weaknesses. But Mitt Romney, in my humble opinion, overall is the most truthful. And, unlike Barack Obama, he will tell people to their face what he is going to do whether or not it is something that he knows they will like or disagree with him on. Plus, he AND Paul Ryan have stood up for the principles of the founding fathers, where Barack Obama seems determined to destroy those principles and install a socialist-style, big, burdensome, intrusive, type of government which will, in the long run, take complete control of our healthcare and treat senior citizens like the movie “Soylent Green”, only not to be used to be made into Soylent Green food to feed the masses that are now on government assistance.

Remember the words of Thomas Jefferson:
The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.
Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” (Quoting Cesare Beccaria)
To take from one because it is thought that his own industry and that of his father’s has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association—the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.
I think myself that we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious.
My favorite: God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty.... And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
To quote a more recent of my favorite quotations “They can take my gun when they pry it from my cold, dead hand!”

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Bliss of Flying Fighter Aircraft

I'm a bit melancholy tonight.  I saw a picture of some young Naval Aviators having a good time after doing a flyover at a recent LSU Football Game.  That brought back a flood of memories when I flew what was, at that time, considered the most powerful airplane in the world, holding all of the speed and time-to-climb records world-wide, the McDonald-Douglas F4-D Phantom II Fighter/bomber.  Most of you probably know I flew fighters in the USAF from '69 to '74.  I was a Navigator/Weapons Systems Operator in the back seat of the aircraft shown above.  (That's me in '71 when I was "younger!" with the 9th Tactical Fighter Squadron at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, about a month before we were deployed to Southeast Asia.)

I was trying to describe to my friend with the Naval Aviators that having once done this, there is really nothing that can replace that sensation, and that I miss it terribly.  I've tried to describe it, but up until tonight, I felt like I've always fallen short.  But tonight, I remembered something I learned in OCS and Flight School; a famous poem that is sort-of the theme poem of the USAF.  It is called "High Flight".  What follows is what that poem, and what I wrote to my friend(s) to try and put some of the wonders of flying such an aircraft in my own words.  

I hope whoever reads this enjoys it and, hopefully, can get just an inkling of the sensations that flying something like this provides.  I have not flown this aircraft since July of 1974, but I think about it every day, and the memories are as vibrant and exciting as they were thirty-eight years ago.

"High Flight"
by  John Gillespie Magee, Jr

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;
Sunward I’ve climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth
of sun-split clouds, — and done a hundred things
You have not dreamed of — wheeled and soared and swung
High in the sunlit silence. Hov’ring there,
I’ve chased the shouting wind along, and flung
My eager craft through footless halls of air....

Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue
I’ve topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace.
Where never lark, or even eagle flew —
And, while with silent, lifting mind I've trod
The high untrespassed sanctity of space,
- Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

I learned this poem when I was in flight school back in '69 and '70. I've never read anything before or since that captures the love of just being in the air in a magnificent flying machine, unbridled by earth or boundaries. To feel the burst of speed when afterburners ignite, slamming one back into the ejection seat; to see billions of stars not twinkling, undimmed by fog or shimmering lights from cities while soaring over a totally dark jungle at midnight over some unknown jungle in Southeast Asia. To feel the force of eight times one's own weight pressing you down into your seat, then in a moment's time, hanging in the straps as the maneuver transitions into negative g's and any loose object is flung against the canopy, only to be cast back down in another second as the positive g's are re instituted. To fly at five hundred miles an hour with an airplane on each side of you with three feet of overlapping wings, doing loops and dives and rolls; to feel the sensation of knowing the slightest mistake will send multiple millions of dollars of airplanes hurtling towards the ground, but yet know that you will not make that mistake, because you are trained better than any aviator in the sky. 
Nothing can, or will ever compare...and I was blessed by God to actually do it! To be part of the best, and to beat that airplane into submission, and survive. GOD! That was living...and I miss it with ever breath I take.

To watch an awe-inspiring rendition of "High Flight", click this link:

To learn more about John Gillespie Magee, please, click this link:

Friday, September 21, 2012


Thomas Jefferson knew the danger of big government when he wrote this statement:  
"Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence. "

The last couple of weeks have been a circus for the news media.  We have seen on every major television network the replay over and over of Mitt Romney's statement about the "47%" that he says he knows will not vote for him.  Yes, that is an inaccurate statement, because as many have pointed out, much of the military falls into that 47%, and being a former military officer for twenty years, I believe that most of the military will probably vote for Romney regardless of what he says.  But the fact remains that we have seen repeatedly in various venues on the television networks Mitt's statement.  But have we seen much of the belated admission by people in the Administration that the terrorist attacks that killed our Ambassador and three other Americans in Libya was NOT a spontaneous outburst of indignation by Muslim extremists, but instead was actually a pre-planned attack by these extremists, planned for the anniversary date of the 9/11 attacks?  Not much, that is for sure (unless you are watching the FOX News network, which is only seen on cable).

It both saddens and infuriates me when I think about what this abandonment of the idea that journalists are NOT supposed to present the news in a biased fashion, but instead are to present the facts and let the public make up their own minds.  In the past, if the media wanted to inject an opinion segment into the news, they actually set up a separate segment and told everyone up front that this was an opinion segment so that we were forewarned.  Not today; the brainwashing and the bias are being disguised as news reporting, which is somewhat accurate, only very selectively reported if it goes against the liberal viewpoints, but repeated ad nauseam if makes the liberal point of view seem more appetizing.

I guess for those who want a liberal utopia, this abandonment of the intent of the First Amendment's protection of free speech provision is somehow justified.  But from my point of view, it is treasonous.  These liberals have forgotten how most of the despots and dictators of the last two-hundred years have come to power.  The first objective of an revolutionary army is to gain control of the press.  Hitler did it during his assent to power, and in Japan, there was no such thing as a free press until after they were defeated in World War II.  The press is still tightly controlled in most Communist countries like Cuba, China, North Korea, and Vietnam.  Dissenters are thrown into prison, put under house arrest, sent to re indoctrination camps until they are brainwashed into conforming with the government's ideology, or killed because they will not conform.  Most Middle-Eastern countries have a tightly controlled press.  Only with the advent of the Internet have some of the barriers to getting the "truth" been removed, and the spark of freedom ignited among those being repressed.  But even that spark of freedom is being squelched as quickly as these oppressive governments are able to figure ways of blocking the receipt of such news in their countries.

President Obama and his cronies are doing all they can to both oppress and limit free speech here in America.  Liberals have successfully passed such stupid laws as those labeling speaking out against homosexuality and abortion as "hate" speech.  Really!  They are doing everything in their power to break the Constitution's First Amendment protections against government intrusion into Religion with the Obamacare requirement for religious institutions to provide contraceptive and abortion drugs free of charge through their institution's insurance providers.  They are constantly trying to shut-down conservative talk radio through this law they keep trying to reenacted called the "Fairness" doctrine.  If that ever gets reinstated, goodbye freedom of speech period!  Hate speech laws are clearly nothing but efforts on the part of groups that violate the Christian principles upon which our Constitution was founded, and the Christian faith that was the faith of this nation when it was founded.  Christianity, as well as many other faiths, classify such acts as homosexuality as a grievous sin (the biblical word is "abomination") against God.  As such, when the homosexual movement started gaining favor among the Hollywood elite, and then spread from there into the favor of the general media, it gained a forum where anyone that stood against that lifestyle was berated and mocked as being "old-fashioned", "out-of-touch", and a bigot.  Christianity as a whole has been branded as a bigoted religion and dis-guarded by Hollywood and its television counterparts in favor of such earthly religions as Scientology, Reform Judism, The United Church of Christ, and some groups of the Episcopalian church which accept homosexuality.  Too bad those Christian faiths are ignoring God's warnings, because the Bible also says that nations that do not believe in God and do not honor God are doomed.  With the way America is going these days, it is easy to understand and see why we are tearing ourselves apart from the  inside.

Our founding fathers put the First Amendment's freedom of speech protections into the Constitution with one main purpose in mind, to protect American citizens against a repressive government that sought to squelch any criticism of that government.  That is exactly what these crazy so-called journalists that have decided they want a nanny-state government for the United States are doing; they are playing right into the hands of this oppressive government and are censoring what news they present to the American people.  They have squelched anything critical of Obama and have flooded the airwaves with anything critical of Romney.  These idiots are preparing the way for their own demise, because if the government can give them the right to censor the news, it can also take that right away, and someday, when the scales are dropped off of their eyes and they see what they have done, it will be too late.  They will have already surrendered their ability to take-back that freedom to criticize the government, and unless they fall in line with the new regime, they will be looking for jobs or will just fade away, like our freedoms are now doing.

George Santayana in 1863 first wrote this foreboding quote when he said "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it", and has since been repeated by numerous other wise individuals like Winston Churchill who modified it to say "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it!"  I fear that our liberal wing in America have forgotten this hard-taught lesson from less than a century ago.  Two World Wars, a failed Communist Revolution in Russia, Communism still in force in such places as North Korea and China, and the liberals here in America still have not learned that point that Jefferson was so emphatic about over two hundred years ago when he warned us of the dangers of putting our faiths in a large central government.  They just cannot see that as long as there is sin on this earth, a Utopian society cannot exist, and therefore any effort to create one is doomed from the beginning.  

Jefferson knew that only the people themselves were able to restrict and restrain government from growing to the point that it will do anything to sustain its existence and expansion, including depriving its citizens of the very rights that create the very government now intent on depriving them of their freedoms that government was supposed to protect.  Jefferson's views on government are very clearly expressed below:
  • "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
  • "Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two parties:

    1. Those that fear and distrust people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes. 
    2. Those who identify themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe, although not the most wise depository of the public interests. In every country these two parties exist; and in every one where they are free to think, speak, and write, they will declare themselves."-Letter to Henry Lee, August 10, 1824
  • "I think myself that we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious." -Letter to William Ludlow, September 6, 1824 
Jefferson was a very wise individual.  Too bad he is not around today.  Maybe these liberals that think Obama is the Messiah would get the scales off their eyes, and we might start putting America back on the road to being that "shining light on the top of the hill" that we used to be.  Otherwise, that wise historian's prophesy regarding America's tenure as a democracy from the 19th century may well come to pass.  Alexander Tyler is most frequently credited with this statement which he supposedly wrote in 1887, calling it the obituary of democracy.  Regardless who said it, it is an accurate assessment going back to the days of the Athenian empire.
   "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.  A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasure.  From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasure, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship.
The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about two hundred years.  During those two hundred years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance to complacency
From complacency to apathy
From apathy to dependence
From dependence back to bondage"

Regardless of who actually wrote or made the statement the truth of those words rings very true when we look at what is happening in America today.  If American's do not remove the scales from their eyes and see our government for what it is, it will not be long until this prophesy reaches it culmination as described above.  Sad...very sad.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012


America's so-called government has turned into a haven for gutless liars, blowhearts, and cowards, and I have had enough! I assume most of my readers have not seen these pictures, and although I absolutely am sick about posting these on my blog, it must be done to show WHY I am mad, disgusted, and absolutely dismayed that my nation's government has turned into a bunch of indecisive cowards and butt-kissers.

Is this the image that America wants to represent how it treats murders and terrorists who kill and injure America's diplomats overseas?  Is this the image that we want to depict how America protects those it sends into unfriendly countries to represent America's interests?  Is this the image we want to present to those considering going into service for our nation?  Is this the image that we want to allow our enemies to see how we react when American citizens are ruthlessly attacked and killed while serving this nation overseas?  Do we want to tell the world that it can kill American diplomats, desecrate their bodies by dragging them through the streets after they have been tortured and killed, and that we will stand by and do nothing while the murders take pictures and display them for the world to see how they desecrated our citizens?  Maybe President Obama and the Democrats will stand by and idly do nothing but mouth off, but as for me, it is time to kick some serious Islamist butt!

These insane Islamist radicals burn our embassy, kill four Americans, the drag them through the streets adding insult to injury. What has our nation's leadership done about it? Nothing! What will they do about it? At best, a slap on the wrists, but probably nothing! Why? Because they are afraid they will hurt the Islamist radicals' feelings.

Well, frankly, I could care less about these animal's feelings. Yes, I said animals, because that is exactly what they are. While the world watches, we sit on our butts, wring our hands, and using big words, tell them that we are sorry that a non-US citizen in the United States created a film that, in their warped world, was an insult to their god/prophet. They, on the other hand, use that as an excuse to invade sovereign U.S. Territory on foreign soil, our consulate, kill the ambassador and three other Americans, desecrate their bodies and cause untold emotional damage to the ambassador's family and friends.

What has the President done in response to this? Send a destroyer and fifty marines. He should have send a few more body bags as well, because if these well-organized Islamist terrorists (OMG! I used the dirty word that our President is so scared of...TERRORISTS!!!) decide they want to raid us again, they may lose four or five hundred of their own, but they will eventually win if they want to. But, knowing our President and military leaders like I do, the bureaucrats will make the military wait until they get permission from back in the USA before they open up with fire into an attacking mob (it's called “rules of engagement”, soldiers call it stupid!).
So...what needs to be done? I think there are a series of moves that need to be made as quickly as possible if we are ever going to be able to really win this war on terrorism:
  1. Reinstate the draft and build our military forces up to between two million and three million soldiers.
  2. Withdraw all forms of foreign aid to every nation that has ever given shelter, food, money, or support of any kind to any terrorist organization.
  3. Put up a military blockade around every nation that has ever given shelter, food, money, or support of any kind to any terrorist organization.
  4. Seize every oil field in the middle east in every nation that has ever given shelter, food, money, or support of any kind to any terrorist organization, and fund our war efforts against these SOBs with the proceeds from their own oil fields.
  5. Destroy the military capability of every nation that has ever given shelter, food, money, or support of any kind to any terrorist organization
  6. Conduct military operations through every nation that has ever given shelter, food, money, or support of any kind to any terrorist organization, destroying every remaining vestige of military capabilities (literally seize and destroy every weapon in every nation that has ever given shelter, food, money, or support of any kind to any terrorist organization).
  7. Seize the assets of every nation's government that has ever given shelter, food, money, or support of any kind to any terrorist organization
  8. Put-in-place democratic governments under military control for a period of not less than five years, or until these democratic governments were secure, well entrenched, and operational.
  9. Keep control of the oil fields until every dime of the expense of conducting these operations against the terrorists was paid back to the U.S. Government and any other allied governments that want to participate.
  10. Once the region was secure and stable and all acts of terrorism had stopped for a period of three years, the governments that were stable with democratic forms of government in-place, then start the transition and withdraw American soldiers and managers completely.

We knew how to win wars during World War II. We went to war against Germany and Japan over events that have caused less carnage than what these Islamist Muslims have done. These few maniacs have held the world hostage for over forty years. They have terrorized every non-Islamists government on the planet for over forty years, costing the world literally trillions of dollars to protect citizens against a few thousand crazy Islamist nut-cases. It is time to say “enough”! It is time to stop trying to use logical, humane treatment against an ideology that could care less who it kills or how it kills them.

Wake up, America! Wake up freedom loving nations all over the world. We have to be willing to draw a line in the sand and say that anyone crossing that line is going to pay dearly for doing so, then back up our words.

Our worthless government has forgotten the lessons of World War I and World War II, and it is going to cost America its freedoms and trillions of dollars more in homage that we pay to try and protect ourselves from these crazies!

Friday, September 14, 2012

A Must Read! The American Thinker's Steve McCann-"Obama's Second Term Transformation Plans"

Normally, I write all my own material, but this is an excellent summary of the dangers to Americans in a second Barack Obama four years as President. But in this case, I felt this article by Steve McCann described the disastrous effects of another four years of Obama as well as anything I have read to date!

 Please read and consider the information presented within carefully.  It foretells the disastrous effects associated with an Obama "transformation" plan that scares the you-know-what out of me.

To Read other articles by Steve McCann, click this link:

I've said it over and over...the effects of this socialist/marxist individual as President are deadly to the America that our founding fathers intended this nation to be.  If we do not vote this conniving dictator want-to-be out of office, we might all just as well be ready for an all-out revolution, because once the effects of his actions become clear and the scales fall off the eyes of those who view him as a Messiah, there will be an uprising not dissimilar to that being viewed now in the Middle East. Some of us do not intend to live without the freedoms that our founders and our fathers enjoyed as an American, and we will not allow this lying narcissistic Marxist to steal that America from our children and grandchildren. 

I just have a great deal of difficulty understanding how people can be so blinded. I should not be surprised, but it is just depressing to me because those of us who have not fallen for the politically correct ideology deception have seen this coming since the Messiah want-to-be burst on the scene back in '07. It just proves the old saying that there is a sucker born every minute, and in America, there are about sixty million of them that would follow their messiah off the cliffs into oblivion!