Thursday, November 1, 2012

AMERICA, ESPECIALLY OHIO! Do the Right Thing for an old soldier...Vote ROMNEY!

I am a retired U.S. Army Major. As a retiree, I certainly am concerned about this economy. Being on pretty much of a fixed income, and as someone that has reached the age where nobody wants to hire someone of my age, I am looking at a very uncertain future. Yet, as I look at this election, I really get more concerned when I hear everyone saying the economy is the main thing that they are worried about. I think that is a very selfish, very short-range view of what America's real problems are, and that scares the you-know-what out of me.

I spent twenty years serving this nation. The military does something to a person that a non-military person cannot understand. People like Michael Moore, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and, in general, the left-wing liberals of the Democratic Party have no real idea what true love of country is like a soldier feels it. Every soldier, whether he is a front-line combat soldier or a rear-area logistic or personnel clerk understands that as a member of the military, in the time of national crisis, we may be called on to lay down his or her life to preserve this nation's freedoms. Politicians and liberals, on the other hand, look at this nation as a great evil monster, and have a mindset that they are going to be the saviors of our nation by transforming it into a politically correct, socialist, nanny state where the rich are persecuted and taxed into mediocrity, where the poor are continually enslaved by the government through social programs that redistribute income from the rich to the poor in turn for the votes of the poor.

There is a consistent pattern from President Obama and his administration that is extremely dangerous to the future viability of America's future. Obama's dismantling of the military, his outright antagonistic treatment of the Christian foundations of this nation, his statements that “America is no longer a Christian nation”, his refusal to attend a national day of prayer, but his praying with the Muslims on a Muslim day of prayer in Washington, D.C., his refusal to place his hand over his heart during the national anthem, and his disastrous handling of the economy and his government takeover of the national health care system are killing America. Now, his handling of the Libyan ambassador's pleas for help on 9/11 and the ensuing lies and cover-up of the handling of that attack which resulted in the death of the Ambassador and three other Americans are absolutely criminal.

As a student of the connection between this nation's history as a Christian nation [yes...that is what I said, and the beliefs and writings of our nation's founders confirm the assertion that America was founded as a Christian nation]. Our founders fled Europe and England and came to the new world hoping for a life where their economic and religious freedoms to worship God could be expressed according to their own wills, and not dictated by a monarchy or a dictator. They were NOT seeking the absence of religious practice, but the freedom to practice their form of Christianity without persecution.

The writings of the founders repeatedly confessed their belief that the future of this nation's growth, prosperity and freedom from tyranny was dependent upon its reliance upon the mercies and blessing of God. As they declared their freedom, they did so openly confessing that for them to gain and hold their freedom, God would have to sustain and empower them against the attacks of England and other enemies that would seek to enslave them and strip them of their freedoms to pursue their dreams of prosperity through their own hard work and their ability to determine their own form of government and how that government would function. Here are three examples of statements from our leaders stating their belief that following the guidelines outlined in the Bible had to be the basis of our nation's guiding principles, or the nation would not endure:
George Washington said… “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible”
Andrew Jackson said… That book, sir, is the rock on which the republic rests.”
Daniel Webster said ”If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country will go on prospering and to prosper; but if we and our posterity neglect its instructions, no man can tell how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.”

President Obama is a man on a mission, and that mission is to move America towards membership in a one world form of government; a huge nanny state that restricts the individual's ability to be whatever he wants to be and earn whatever he is willing to takes the risks and put out the efforts to do. Instead, he wants to allow individuals to earn only as much as this one world government deems is proper, then take the rest away and distribute it as this one world government sees fit in order to...give everyone a fair share and level the playing field. He is a pathological liar, as are most all liberal politicians. They tell the people what they want them to believe, then will lie looking them straight in the face and do all they can to cover up the truth so that their lies will not be uncovered and exposed.

Most politicians are liars today. Their big trick is to “spin” things so that they can twist the facts around and make it seem as though their way of looking at things is the only proper way to view them. That is the very reason that the First Amendment to the Constitution was written, so that there would always be a free press out there and that free press would be the watchdog for the citizens of this great nation against a government trying to lie and manipulate them.

President Obama is a master manipulator. We see it in what is happening with regards to their debacle in Benghazi, Libya. There, the President and his administration's failure to act caused the death of four brave Americans. Then, instead of telling the truth about what happened, the President and his cohorts have gone into full stone-walling and cover-up mode, trying to put the blame on some independent film casting a bad light on the Muslim prophet Mohammad, instead of recognizing the event as a well-planned, coordinated attack by Muslim extremist groups to cause more harm to America's image on the 11th anniversary of 9/11/2001. As the evidence continues to come in, the President and his cohorts are only digging their holes deeper as they stone-wall and refuse to discuss the issue at all, and the liberal press are barely mentioning it for fear it might cause the President to lose his re-election bid.

This is a man that needs to be stopped. He and his entire administration need to be run out of Washington D.C. on a rail. He is un-American, he is a economic fool, an incompetent and gutless commander in chief, and he WILL destroy America. It is time for Americans to realize that there is really something more important than their own pocketbooks. We need to be Americans first in this election. We need to protect America first, and stop this fool before he has another four years to dismantle the America that our founding founders created.

To the people of America, and especially those in Ohio...I beg you to look beyond this temporary economic situation. America is a resilient nation of brave, industrious people, and this nation will recover from the economic recession in the long run. Instead of wasting your worries on the temporal things like the economy, look at a bigger picture of America's future; that of its destiny as ordained by our founders and by God. America was formed as a nation where people were free to be all that they could make themselves to be. We were a nation whose foundations were structured around Christian principles; a nation that feared God, yet understood that by putting God first, our nation's future would be bright and the freedoms that the nation was founded to provide would endure. If you want our nation to endure and prosper, you must turn aside from this socialist, this anti-Christian, closet Muslim, and this evil, diabolical, despicable excuse of a politician and leader that lied and bamboozled himself into the Presidency and elect a man that has shown true moral, religious, and ethical strength, and has experience in creating success, rather than failure.

If you respect our military, I can tell you that virtually every military person that has been involved in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is NOT supporting Obama. We think that he is a joke, a HORRIBLE leader, a fool, and a dangerous lunatic. We felt the same way about President Clinton. We still believe that Islamic militants are a serious threat to American citizens. We love America, have made the commitment that if required, we are willing to lay down our lives to protect American freedoms, but we do NOT want to die if we are being treated like political cannon fodder to protect a nut-case's fear of offending people who want to kill us. I care NOTHING about offending people who want to kill us; I want to kill them BEFORE they kill us, and unless you vote this sorry excuse of a Commander in Chief out of office, I can promise you that it is not a matter of IF, but only a matter of WHEN his weakness against the Islamic militants will result in another disaster like 9/11 happening here in America, but probably with more disastrous results than the first one. It is only by the grace of God that the number of deaths on 9/11 was not in the twenty to thirty THOUSAND, instead of the 3,000+ that occurred in the first attacks.

I appeal to your love of country, your belief in the military, and your sense of national security to NOT vote for Obama, but to vote for Romney. Obama is a loser; he is a con-artist, a liar, and a fool. He is an American hater, a socialist, and a closet Muslim, and we cannot stand another four years of this.

Do the right thing, Ohio. Vote Obama out of office; vote for Romney.