Friday, March 15, 2013


I am mad as hell, and sick to death with all the mealy-mouth reporting about what this President and his moronic bunch of followers in Washington are doing to our nation.  I am severely aggrevated with the fifty-one percent of American voters that were stupid enough to re-elect this bunch of yahoos and ignore the miserable job that he did during the first term.  
What does it say about a nation's intellectual and moral condition when the nation can re-elect a man to office whose only accomplishments in office are measured by how much of our taxpayer money he has squandered on taxpayer loans to “green” companies that have gone broke in blatant pay-offs to political supporters, the passage of a health care bill that before it is implemented already has over twenty thousand pages of regulations to implement a two thousand-plus page bill that even the government's own accountants say is going to increase health care costs by over a trillion dollars and decrease the level and quality of care to America's citizens?
What does it say about a nation that will re-elect a man who was only able to win by maliciously attacking and slandering a man because he has been a success at everything he does, like turning around a failed Olympia in America, turning around several major corporations from bankruptcy and turning them into job-producing, profitable companies, when the attacker has never run anything but a neighborhood development, taxpayer funded organization, and has run up more debt in four years than his predecessor did in eight, and has increased the national debt by fifty percent in his tenure in office with nothing to show for it?
What does it say about a nation when it will re-elect a man who, while his Libyan embassy is being over-run and four Americans killed in a well-planned, coordinated attack by Al Queda terrorists, flies off to a fund-raiser in Las Vegas without knowing whether his administration has dispatched enough forces to protect the lives of the Americans in Bengazi? What does it say about a man who would then blame the attack on Islamics mad about an independent film that is critical of the Islamic prophet Mohammad, when he knows full well it is Al Queda terrorists, but saying so will make his administration look bad because he has been bragging on Al Queda being virtually destroyed and made an irrelevant force in the middle east?
What does it say about America when it is perfectly legal for a woman to kill an unborn baby in her womb, even though that baby has a heartbeat, sucks it thumb, demonstrates with facial expressions that it feels pain, and, if left alone, would be born a perfectly healthy human being, but if a murderer kills a pregnant woman, that murderer is charged with two murders?
What does it say about a government when it will continue to give foreign aid to nations that sponsor terrorism, that have sworn an oath to destroy our only real ally in the middle east, Israel, that burn American flags, and that verbally repeat how much they hate America and call us the great Satan, but they will cut-off funds to American citizens who want to pay fifteen dollars to take a tour of the White House, or a tour of a national park, or stop paying college tuition for our returning combat soldiers which were promised the opportunity to get college tuition assistance if they served in our all volunteer military?
What it says to me is that America is so self-absorbed that it worries more about poor cell phone reception than it does about rogue nations like Iran and North Korea possessing nuclear power that inevitably will be used against America's allies and possible America herself.  What it says to me is that we are more worried about fake shampoo in a bottle on an airplane that we are with individuals carrying knives onto an airplane.  What it says to me is that we have lost touch with the realities of right and wrong, morality and immorality, and honor and truthfulness being good qualities and lying and "spinning" the truth being wrong!  
What it says to me is that about fifty-one percent of Americans are so selfish, so gullible, and so concerned about their own welfare that they care only about what they can get out of the government personally and to hell with the rest of the nation. What it says to me is that America is a morally bankrupt nation that worships Hollywood movie stars and celebrities, but barely notices when young, brave Americans die on a battlefield in places like Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. You want proof?  We hang on every action of bimbos like Snookie, Kim, and Brittany, but we allow attacks on wonderful women like Ann Romney and Sarah Palin. What it says to me is that Satan has deceived fifty-one percent of Americans into believing that immorality is the new morality, that it is OK for the New Black Panther Party to stand in front of polling places and intimidate voters, but it is illegal for states, which by the U.S. Constitution are independent sovereign entities, to pass laws that make it a requirement for someone to prove that they are a legal citizen of the state and this nation in order to cast a vote. It says to me that it is OK for force states to fund education, health care, food stamps, free transportation, housing, cell phones, and prevent law enforcement from demanding proof of citizenship before receiving these handouts, but a person cannot apply for social security, VA disability, or even a job at the Post Office without providing copies of their social security card and their drivers' license to get an interview. In other words, it says that our Government is more concerned about protecting the votes it gets/buys from illegal aliens and their legal families in American than it is about protecting the rights of taxpaying citizens of this country, and that fifty-one percent of us are so self-absorbed and morally bankrupt that we don't care enough to kick them out and generate any moral outrage at their behavior.
What it says to me is that we have a socialist moron that fifty-one percent of Americans were stupid enough to vote for because they can be sold a bill of goods by a snake-oil salesman. What it says to me is that fifty-one percent of this nation elect liars, con artists, whores, and morons to our congress because they could care less about anything in America but what they can get out of the government to pad their own pockets while they rest of the nation can go to hell. What it says to me is that a majority of our U.S. Senators and far too many of our U.S. Representatives are so corrupt that they deserve to be tried for treason, or at worst for lying to the public, malfeasance in office, and run out of town on a rail after being tarred and feathers.
What it says to me is that people are so busy being convinced that they are victims, that they have lost sight that this has been for over two-hundred years and is still the greatest nation on earth that has ever existed, and that all this effort to be sure that we do not forget where we came for has blinded us to the facts that we better be damn careful and protect where we are now because it is sliding down a slippery slope to moral, economic, and spiritual destruction. What it tells me is that fifty-one percent of America better get the damn blinders and scales off their eyes, or all hell is going to break lose in America the same way it has in Europe. What it tells me is that fifty-one percent of America better realize that, as Margaret Thatcher once said “The only problem with socialism is that pretty soon, it runs out of rich and working people from whom it can take from to give to the poor and lazy people.” What it means is that if people do not start taking responsibility for their own futures and quit expecting the government to take care of their futures, their nanny nipple is going to run dry, and they will not know how to make it on their own. What it means is that our nation makes Sodom and Gohomorrah look like a Sunday-school class, and that a just and righteous God is going to smack-down America if we continue like we are going now, and deservedly so.
Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chuch Schumer, Joe Biden, Barack Obama...they may be educated from these “fine” New England liberal colleges, but they are some of the most misguided, brainwashed, stupid morons I have ever had the displeasure to have to have leading this nation. Too harsh words to describe them?  Well, what do you call someone who runs head-long into socialist practices that have repeatedly failed for over one hundred years everywhere that they have been implemented.  What do you call it when someone sacrifices four Americans in order to protect his re-election campaign from having to admit that his assessments about the threat of Al Queda are wrong?  What do you call it when a man says personally he is opposed to abortion, but does everything in his power to make American taxpayers pay for it when over fifty percent of us believe abortion is murder!  What do you call it when he wants to shred the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution by trying to start seizing guns and collecting data on every gun owner in America?  I call it treason!  I call it actions worthy and demanding of impeachment.  I call it a total disregard for the intent of the founding fathers wishes when they penned the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  I call it dispicable, detestible, and dastardly behavior that is beneath contempt.  In other words, I call it stupid, moronic behavior of a supposedly intelligent group of individuals that have lost total touch with reality.  I call it public bribary and buying of votes.  I call it disprespect of our nation's fighting men, and I call it the most disgusting practice of political behavior I have ever seen.
Especially Obama. To have that stupid moron as the Commander in Chief of the military, a man with no honor, no code of conduct, no leadership skills, and no experience with the military, one who refuses to place his hand over his heart during the playing of the national anthem, one who puts the wrong hand over his heart during the playing of the national anthem, disgusts me, and I would love to tell him to his face. No, on second thought, I would not like to tell him to his face. My time is more valuable than to waste it on the likes of him. I hope I never have the displeasure of having to come face to face with him; I am afraid I would probably throw up at the revulsion I would feel at the sight of the man.
It is a travesty of justice and an insult to the honor and memory of our heroes in the military that someone like that should ever allowed to even be in the presence of soldiers who risk their lives or have given their lives in battle defending this nation.
I firmly believe that Obama is the consummate liar, the consummate con-man, and a person that is ideologically committed to destroying the capitalistic system in America. He is a fool and an ideologue because he refuses to learn from history, and he has deceived fifty-one percent of American into following him. I frankly think it is time for the twenty-four states that Romney won to band together and succeed from the U.S.A. And form a new nation before we have to go down the tubes with the rest of those idiot states that this bunch of idiots and socialists are determined to bankrupt!