Monday, January 17, 2011

The Press CAN Be Fair and Objective

For the last eight to nine years, I have had a letter to the editor published by The News Star at least once a month, and never had a problem like happened below. Then, in the shadow of the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords and numerous others, I commented on how the press was trying to blame vitriol spewed by conservatives towards liberals for the shootings. I tried to get the press to look at what the liberals said that caused the vitriol to be spewed so actively at them. When the News Star Press published the article, they assigned the title "Liberals bring shootings on selves".

Naturally, I was furious! That had nothing to do with what I said, but it sure created a firestorm of vicious comments towards me and conservatives because of it. When I complained, the News Star was very understanding and allowed me to write and then published my rebuttal.

This is what was said.

Liberals brought shooting on themselves
January 11, 2011

Much press is coming out trying to link the conservative movement and specifically Sarah Palin as causes for this maniac gunning down of the Arizona congresswoman and six others. They're bringing back up Sarah Palin's "cross-hairs" ad targeting certain districts for Republicans or tea party candidates to go after to win away from Democrats. The press is saying all the vitriol (harsh words) against the liberals is the cause.
Personally, I think the press needs to look deeper at why all this vitriol is being spewed towards liberals. They bring it on themselves. How about declaring the war in Iran and Afghanistan lost while our soldiers are still fighting over there (bet they wish they had kept their mouths shut there!). How about giving the rights of citizens to terrorists and illegal aliens. How about trying to put terrorists at Guantanamo on trial in civilian courts in New York City? How about Obama declaring that he wants to "spread the wealth" around (income redistribution). How about forcing people to buy health insurance who do not want it or need it, but exempting your political supporter organizations from it? The list is endless. Look in the mirror, liberals. Examine your own actions. You brought this down on yourselves with your misguided values. You created the situation that brings out the vitriol in God-fearing, freedom loving Americans. It is like saying the gun is evil when the truth is guns are just one of many tools evil people use to do evil things. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have them.
Carey O'Neal
West Monroe

Liberals bring vitriol on selves
January 14, 2011

My last letter to the editor was miss-titled by The New Star's editorial staff. A more proper title to that letter would have been "Liberals bring vitriol on selves." The entire letter is an effort to get liberals to look at why so much vitriol (harsh words) are spewed at liberal politicians. I was attempting to get the press to focus more on what the liberals say and do that brings out the ire in conservatives, rather than their just trying to blame conservatives for things like this crazy man's shooting rampage.
I believe violence against innocents is not something anyone can bring on or against themselves. Only someone mentally disturbed, with no moral foundation or fear of God would do such a heinous act. The responsibility lies directly with that individual. They make a conscious decision to take somebody's life, and 99.9 percent of the time they do it knowing that it is wrong.
I especially appreciate The News Star's willingness to correct an error that hurt me badly, and allow me to print this correction/explanation. First, I would never say something so hurtful or stupid. Second, the title is not what I believe, and third, there are no facts to substantiate such a vicious assertion. It is just not something I would say, or believe. I have a lot of faults, but stupidity, blind hatred and support for wanton violence are not some of them. Our government is broken, but stupid violence like what happened in Tucson is not the fix.
Carey O'Neal
West Monroe