Friday, September 21, 2012


Thomas Jefferson knew the danger of big government when he wrote this statement:  
"Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence. "

The last couple of weeks have been a circus for the news media.  We have seen on every major television network the replay over and over of Mitt Romney's statement about the "47%" that he says he knows will not vote for him.  Yes, that is an inaccurate statement, because as many have pointed out, much of the military falls into that 47%, and being a former military officer for twenty years, I believe that most of the military will probably vote for Romney regardless of what he says.  But the fact remains that we have seen repeatedly in various venues on the television networks Mitt's statement.  But have we seen much of the belated admission by people in the Administration that the terrorist attacks that killed our Ambassador and three other Americans in Libya was NOT a spontaneous outburst of indignation by Muslim extremists, but instead was actually a pre-planned attack by these extremists, planned for the anniversary date of the 9/11 attacks?  Not much, that is for sure (unless you are watching the FOX News network, which is only seen on cable).

It both saddens and infuriates me when I think about what this abandonment of the idea that journalists are NOT supposed to present the news in a biased fashion, but instead are to present the facts and let the public make up their own minds.  In the past, if the media wanted to inject an opinion segment into the news, they actually set up a separate segment and told everyone up front that this was an opinion segment so that we were forewarned.  Not today; the brainwashing and the bias are being disguised as news reporting, which is somewhat accurate, only very selectively reported if it goes against the liberal viewpoints, but repeated ad nauseam if makes the liberal point of view seem more appetizing.

I guess for those who want a liberal utopia, this abandonment of the intent of the First Amendment's protection of free speech provision is somehow justified.  But from my point of view, it is treasonous.  These liberals have forgotten how most of the despots and dictators of the last two-hundred years have come to power.  The first objective of an revolutionary army is to gain control of the press.  Hitler did it during his assent to power, and in Japan, there was no such thing as a free press until after they were defeated in World War II.  The press is still tightly controlled in most Communist countries like Cuba, China, North Korea, and Vietnam.  Dissenters are thrown into prison, put under house arrest, sent to re indoctrination camps until they are brainwashed into conforming with the government's ideology, or killed because they will not conform.  Most Middle-Eastern countries have a tightly controlled press.  Only with the advent of the Internet have some of the barriers to getting the "truth" been removed, and the spark of freedom ignited among those being repressed.  But even that spark of freedom is being squelched as quickly as these oppressive governments are able to figure ways of blocking the receipt of such news in their countries.

President Obama and his cronies are doing all they can to both oppress and limit free speech here in America.  Liberals have successfully passed such stupid laws as those labeling speaking out against homosexuality and abortion as "hate" speech.  Really!  They are doing everything in their power to break the Constitution's First Amendment protections against government intrusion into Religion with the Obamacare requirement for religious institutions to provide contraceptive and abortion drugs free of charge through their institution's insurance providers.  They are constantly trying to shut-down conservative talk radio through this law they keep trying to reenacted called the "Fairness" doctrine.  If that ever gets reinstated, goodbye freedom of speech period!  Hate speech laws are clearly nothing but efforts on the part of groups that violate the Christian principles upon which our Constitution was founded, and the Christian faith that was the faith of this nation when it was founded.  Christianity, as well as many other faiths, classify such acts as homosexuality as a grievous sin (the biblical word is "abomination") against God.  As such, when the homosexual movement started gaining favor among the Hollywood elite, and then spread from there into the favor of the general media, it gained a forum where anyone that stood against that lifestyle was berated and mocked as being "old-fashioned", "out-of-touch", and a bigot.  Christianity as a whole has been branded as a bigoted religion and dis-guarded by Hollywood and its television counterparts in favor of such earthly religions as Scientology, Reform Judism, The United Church of Christ, and some groups of the Episcopalian church which accept homosexuality.  Too bad those Christian faiths are ignoring God's warnings, because the Bible also says that nations that do not believe in God and do not honor God are doomed.  With the way America is going these days, it is easy to understand and see why we are tearing ourselves apart from the  inside.

Our founding fathers put the First Amendment's freedom of speech protections into the Constitution with one main purpose in mind, to protect American citizens against a repressive government that sought to squelch any criticism of that government.  That is exactly what these crazy so-called journalists that have decided they want a nanny-state government for the United States are doing; they are playing right into the hands of this oppressive government and are censoring what news they present to the American people.  They have squelched anything critical of Obama and have flooded the airwaves with anything critical of Romney.  These idiots are preparing the way for their own demise, because if the government can give them the right to censor the news, it can also take that right away, and someday, when the scales are dropped off of their eyes and they see what they have done, it will be too late.  They will have already surrendered their ability to take-back that freedom to criticize the government, and unless they fall in line with the new regime, they will be looking for jobs or will just fade away, like our freedoms are now doing.

George Santayana in 1863 first wrote this foreboding quote when he said "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it", and has since been repeated by numerous other wise individuals like Winston Churchill who modified it to say "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it!"  I fear that our liberal wing in America have forgotten this hard-taught lesson from less than a century ago.  Two World Wars, a failed Communist Revolution in Russia, Communism still in force in such places as North Korea and China, and the liberals here in America still have not learned that point that Jefferson was so emphatic about over two hundred years ago when he warned us of the dangers of putting our faiths in a large central government.  They just cannot see that as long as there is sin on this earth, a Utopian society cannot exist, and therefore any effort to create one is doomed from the beginning.  

Jefferson knew that only the people themselves were able to restrict and restrain government from growing to the point that it will do anything to sustain its existence and expansion, including depriving its citizens of the very rights that create the very government now intent on depriving them of their freedoms that government was supposed to protect.  Jefferson's views on government are very clearly expressed below:
  • "When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."
  • "Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two parties:

    1. Those that fear and distrust people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes. 
    2. Those who identify themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe, although not the most wise depository of the public interests. In every country these two parties exist; and in every one where they are free to think, speak, and write, they will declare themselves."-Letter to Henry Lee, August 10, 1824
  • "I think myself that we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious." -Letter to William Ludlow, September 6, 1824 
Jefferson was a very wise individual.  Too bad he is not around today.  Maybe these liberals that think Obama is the Messiah would get the scales off their eyes, and we might start putting America back on the road to being that "shining light on the top of the hill" that we used to be.  Otherwise, that wise historian's prophesy regarding America's tenure as a democracy from the 19th century may well come to pass.  Alexander Tyler is most frequently credited with this statement which he supposedly wrote in 1887, calling it the obituary of democracy.  Regardless who said it, it is an accurate assessment going back to the days of the Athenian empire.
   "A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.  A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasure.  From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasure, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship.
The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about two hundred years.  During those two hundred years, these nations always progressed through the following sequence:
From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance to complacency
From complacency to apathy
From apathy to dependence
From dependence back to bondage"

Regardless of who actually wrote or made the statement the truth of those words rings very true when we look at what is happening in America today.  If American's do not remove the scales from their eyes and see our government for what it is, it will not be long until this prophesy reaches it culmination as described above.  Sad...very sad.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012


America's so-called government has turned into a haven for gutless liars, blowhearts, and cowards, and I have had enough! I assume most of my readers have not seen these pictures, and although I absolutely am sick about posting these on my blog, it must be done to show WHY I am mad, disgusted, and absolutely dismayed that my nation's government has turned into a bunch of indecisive cowards and butt-kissers.

Is this the image that America wants to represent how it treats murders and terrorists who kill and injure America's diplomats overseas?  Is this the image that we want to depict how America protects those it sends into unfriendly countries to represent America's interests?  Is this the image we want to present to those considering going into service for our nation?  Is this the image that we want to allow our enemies to see how we react when American citizens are ruthlessly attacked and killed while serving this nation overseas?  Do we want to tell the world that it can kill American diplomats, desecrate their bodies by dragging them through the streets after they have been tortured and killed, and that we will stand by and do nothing while the murders take pictures and display them for the world to see how they desecrated our citizens?  Maybe President Obama and the Democrats will stand by and idly do nothing but mouth off, but as for me, it is time to kick some serious Islamist butt!

These insane Islamist radicals burn our embassy, kill four Americans, the drag them through the streets adding insult to injury. What has our nation's leadership done about it? Nothing! What will they do about it? At best, a slap on the wrists, but probably nothing! Why? Because they are afraid they will hurt the Islamist radicals' feelings.

Well, frankly, I could care less about these animal's feelings. Yes, I said animals, because that is exactly what they are. While the world watches, we sit on our butts, wring our hands, and using big words, tell them that we are sorry that a non-US citizen in the United States created a film that, in their warped world, was an insult to their god/prophet. They, on the other hand, use that as an excuse to invade sovereign U.S. Territory on foreign soil, our consulate, kill the ambassador and three other Americans, desecrate their bodies and cause untold emotional damage to the ambassador's family and friends.

What has the President done in response to this? Send a destroyer and fifty marines. He should have send a few more body bags as well, because if these well-organized Islamist terrorists (OMG! I used the dirty word that our President is so scared of...TERRORISTS!!!) decide they want to raid us again, they may lose four or five hundred of their own, but they will eventually win if they want to. But, knowing our President and military leaders like I do, the bureaucrats will make the military wait until they get permission from back in the USA before they open up with fire into an attacking mob (it's called “rules of engagement”, soldiers call it stupid!).
So...what needs to be done? I think there are a series of moves that need to be made as quickly as possible if we are ever going to be able to really win this war on terrorism:
  1. Reinstate the draft and build our military forces up to between two million and three million soldiers.
  2. Withdraw all forms of foreign aid to every nation that has ever given shelter, food, money, or support of any kind to any terrorist organization.
  3. Put up a military blockade around every nation that has ever given shelter, food, money, or support of any kind to any terrorist organization.
  4. Seize every oil field in the middle east in every nation that has ever given shelter, food, money, or support of any kind to any terrorist organization, and fund our war efforts against these SOBs with the proceeds from their own oil fields.
  5. Destroy the military capability of every nation that has ever given shelter, food, money, or support of any kind to any terrorist organization
  6. Conduct military operations through every nation that has ever given shelter, food, money, or support of any kind to any terrorist organization, destroying every remaining vestige of military capabilities (literally seize and destroy every weapon in every nation that has ever given shelter, food, money, or support of any kind to any terrorist organization).
  7. Seize the assets of every nation's government that has ever given shelter, food, money, or support of any kind to any terrorist organization
  8. Put-in-place democratic governments under military control for a period of not less than five years, or until these democratic governments were secure, well entrenched, and operational.
  9. Keep control of the oil fields until every dime of the expense of conducting these operations against the terrorists was paid back to the U.S. Government and any other allied governments that want to participate.
  10. Once the region was secure and stable and all acts of terrorism had stopped for a period of three years, the governments that were stable with democratic forms of government in-place, then start the transition and withdraw American soldiers and managers completely.

We knew how to win wars during World War II. We went to war against Germany and Japan over events that have caused less carnage than what these Islamist Muslims have done. These few maniacs have held the world hostage for over forty years. They have terrorized every non-Islamists government on the planet for over forty years, costing the world literally trillions of dollars to protect citizens against a few thousand crazy Islamist nut-cases. It is time to say “enough”! It is time to stop trying to use logical, humane treatment against an ideology that could care less who it kills or how it kills them.

Wake up, America! Wake up freedom loving nations all over the world. We have to be willing to draw a line in the sand and say that anyone crossing that line is going to pay dearly for doing so, then back up our words.

Our worthless government has forgotten the lessons of World War I and World War II, and it is going to cost America its freedoms and trillions of dollars more in homage that we pay to try and protect ourselves from these crazies!

Friday, September 14, 2012

A Must Read! The American Thinker's Steve McCann-"Obama's Second Term Transformation Plans"

Normally, I write all my own material, but this is an excellent summary of the dangers to Americans in a second Barack Obama four years as President. But in this case, I felt this article by Steve McCann described the disastrous effects of another four years of Obama as well as anything I have read to date!

 Please read and consider the information presented within carefully.  It foretells the disastrous effects associated with an Obama "transformation" plan that scares the you-know-what out of me.

To Read other articles by Steve McCann, click this link:

I've said it over and over...the effects of this socialist/marxist individual as President are deadly to the America that our founding fathers intended this nation to be.  If we do not vote this conniving dictator want-to-be out of office, we might all just as well be ready for an all-out revolution, because once the effects of his actions become clear and the scales fall off the eyes of those who view him as a Messiah, there will be an uprising not dissimilar to that being viewed now in the Middle East. Some of us do not intend to live without the freedoms that our founders and our fathers enjoyed as an American, and we will not allow this lying narcissistic Marxist to steal that America from our children and grandchildren. 

I just have a great deal of difficulty understanding how people can be so blinded. I should not be surprised, but it is just depressing to me because those of us who have not fallen for the politically correct ideology deception have seen this coming since the Messiah want-to-be burst on the scene back in '07. It just proves the old saying that there is a sucker born every minute, and in America, there are about sixty million of them that would follow their messiah off the cliffs into oblivion! 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

All Talk, but no action! America's leaders are gutless cowards, as are terrorists!

How many times does America and the rest of the non-Muslim world have to suffer through the terrorism and bullying by Islamist extremists followed by the failure of America to hold them accountable before we get fed up and stop it?  Apparently we have not reached that limit yet, or either we have not learned the lesson that every child understood from the time they were old enough to encounter bullying!

Ask a child how bullies are stopped.  They know the answers!  They will tell you that the only three things that stop a bully are if the bully's parents intervene, which usually never happens, if the bully gets intimidated and forced to stop by somebody that the bully knows can beat them up, which is not that common, or if the person being bullied stands up to the bully and fights with him.  Sometimes the bully is all bluff and will back down, but usually the fight is hard and ugly, and even if the bully wins, he is usually going to leave that person that stood up to him alone and find somebody else that he can intimidate.

Islamist extremists are bullies and they are fanatics.  Bullies are cowards; they pick on those weaker than them.  The Islamist extremists are cowards; they will not fight in the open, so they pick on innocent, unknowing, vulnerable individuals and terrorize them, then that supposedly sends a message to the rest of the world that if it does not conform to the will of the bullies, others will suffer.  That is just gutless, cowardly bullying.  For at least forty years, America and the rest of the world that is the target of the extremists have tried to surgically attack the extremists and leave the "peace-loving" rest of the Muslim world alone.  That strategy, my friends, has been an abysmal failure, as was illustrated once again this week by the attack and murder of U.S. diplomats in Libya and Egypt supposedly because of an independent film released in America making fun of the Muslim's supposed prophet Mohammed.

But the extremist Islamist are also fanatics, so the rules they play under are different in one serious way.  They will die for their cause, or at least will convince some other crazy fanatic that it is glorious to die fighting infidels and get them to blow themselves up while killing innocent victims.  This type of fanatical bully must be dealt with differently; the only ways to stop these crazies is to kill them before they kill you, or to make it so painful for their non-fanatical Islamist brothers that they force the crazy fanatics to stop.  Talk will not work with a fanatic until the pain is so great that they have no other choice but to stop.  After forty-plus years of trying to use reason, kindness, bribery, and limited kick-butt techniques, I personally think it is time to stop pussy-footing around with these crazies and get about the business of putting some serious hurt on ALL of them until either they are all dead, or their peaceful Muslim brothers and sisters make them stop.

So, instead of getting a belly-full and finally deciding to stand up and make the hard decision that will eventually and finally put an end to these bullies and cowards killing Americans, what does our President do?  Condemns the person releasing the film, then says we will find those who committed the murders and bring them to justice.  If I am one of those Muslim extremists, I am probably laughing my rear off right now.  Yeah, it only took eleven years to find Bin Laden, so we really expect the Libyans to hand over these extremists, or really even help in tracking them down and handing them over?
Yeah, just like I believe the Federal Government is going to pay for the added costs of Obamacare by eliminating waste and fraud in Medicare!  NOT!!!

America is going to continue to be the target of bullying and terrorism at the tremendous and unnecessary costs of American lives and hundreds of billions of dollars because America does not have the stomach or the will to do what is necessary to stop it.  To stop terrorism, there is only one way to do it:  Wipe it out!

These bullies are no different than the Nazi extremists or the Japanese extremists of World War II.  They started small and kept growing through intimidation and thuggery until Great Britain and our eventual allies saw that there was no hope for a diplomatic solution and that the Nazis and Japanese could not be trusted to adhere to any promises or treaties they signed.  The same situation exists here, and American and its allies went to war full tilt to stop it.  That is what is going to have to happen to stop the Arabs; all out war against the Arabs.

To stop terrorism, America is going to have to reinstate the draft and build up our military to World War II levels, along with our war production effort.  We are then going to have to literally overthrow every Arab government that has ever contributed even $1.00 to the terrorism efforts of groups like Hezbollah or The Muslim brotherhood, starting with Egypt, Syria, Iran, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, the Sudan, Iraq, and even Cuba.

In World War II, the generals and the President understood that not only did the combatants have to be defeated, but the will of the citizenry of those nations warring against us had to be broken to the point that the citizenry would revolt and lose their will to continue the war effort.  That same principle here must be applied. Most Muslims are content to stand by and do nothing to stop their extremist brothers and sisters from committing acts of terrorism because they do not suffer because of the extremists acts of terrorism.  As long as that is the case, nothing will change.  To kill a snake one must cut off its head, or it can still bite even after it is dead.  Same thing happens with terrorist organizations.  We killed Bin Ladin, but the acts of terrorism still go on because the cancer of terrorism still lingers in the hearts of extremists.  We are going to have to kill them all.

America's efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq were doomed because we lost our will to stay the course, and because we did not have sufficient forces to go through those countries like we did in World War II as we went through Europe; house to house, mountain to mountain until the leaders and the forces surrendered.  That is why America must have a military force of sufficient size and power, along with its allies, to do the total job, or we will end up like we are now in Iraq and Afghanistan, ten years of fighting later with no real security.

Too bad our government has lost its will to defend American lives and to make the price of taking American lives by our enemies too small to instill and hesitation in our enemies to continue their efforts against us.  Our soldiers can do the job, and our allies will support us if we lead, but without America's leadership, the rest of the world will continue to wander about aimlessly, suffering through the occasional terrorist attack with a sense of inevitability that is instilled from the lack of leadership by the governments of the world.  Cowards suffer a lifetime of abuse, and that is what America's leadership has become, a bunch of whimpering cowards who talk big, but are gutless to do what it takes to really secure America's or the world's safety and prosperity.  Teddy Roosevelt said it quite succintly; "...Speak softly, but carry a big stick!".  We speak loudly from the platform, but cower away from really standing tall against terrorism like the cowards from a grade-school bully.  Sad...really sad.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

WAKE UP AMERICA!!! Stop drinking the Obama Kool-Aid! It's Killing America!!!

I am befuddled and appalled by what I see and hear on the news about people still believing Obama can do a better job of helping the middle class than Mitt Romney. What is wrong with those people? They must all be smoking some serious weed or taking some very hard drugs if they really believe that!

I really am confused. I just cannot understand how anybody other than somebody who has never had to really work for a living could possibly believe that a man who has never had a real job where he had to earn a living and make a payroll rather than be on the public payroll could be expected to understand what it is like to really have to take a risk to make a payroll? Romney has a proven track record of turning businesses around and making them profitable. Only a bureaucrat that is used to taking public funds instead of having to earn them by running a business could criticize that record, but what would one expect when the President has never had run anything but a public service organization. He is clueless what it takes to start, grow, expand, or manage a business where in order to survive, one has to make a profit!

Look at the results of Obama for four years; forty-three months of unemployment being over 8% when he promised it would never exceed eight percent (8%), and in 2012, it was supposed to be at six percent (6%). He has more than doubled the entire debt of the United States from when he took office until now. Two-hundred thirty two years to get the debt to eight trillion, and now it is doubled to over sixteen trillion dollars ($16,000,000,000,000) in forty-three months! And we still believe this man can help the middle class? He has added twenty six thousand dollars $26,000+)plus in debt for every American alive today that our grandchildren will have to somehow pay off, and he is advocating spending trillions more in debt with his disastrous health-care bill and his failed stimulus packages he is proposing. If we take into account that nearly fifty percent of Americans pay no taxes at all, then the reality is that every TAXPAYING AMERICAN has inherited about fifty-three thousand dollars ($53,000) in new debt that their children will have to payoff. Only an IDIOT does the same thing over and over and over and expects a different result. The stimulus has failed in the past, and the same type of stimulus in the future will fail again! Even the Moody's Financial rating company is threatening to downgrade the US Debt instruments if we do not stop this unconstrained growth of our national debt.

America, wake up! Stop drinking the Obama Kool-aid!. Wipe the scales off your eyes! This man is a disaster. Go to the dictionary; look up the definition of Socialism, then when you realize that this is exactly what President Obama is driving the US towards, find one nation in history where socialist countries have ever managed to keep from destroying themselves. Look at Greece, Spain, Russia, the old Soviet Union, Cuba. Socialism is a failed Utopian dream that can never happen in the real world!

Open your eyes, Americans. Four more years of Obama will be the death of this nation's future. We cannot sustain his policies. Come into the real world! Kick the socialist Muslim-loving bum out of office. Let someone who know how real businesses function take over and do what businesses need, rather than what bureaucrats that want to regulate everything we do and strangles us with higher taxes, more regulations and an unsustainable increase in our national debt.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Will somebody PLEASE get Chris Matthews a good Psychiatrist?!!! This guy needs help!

Chris Matthews is a pathetic, desperate excuse for a man and a news reporter/commentator, or whatever nut-cases in the media are properly labeled these days, and somebody needs to get that guy some help.  This guy is obsessed with the idea that every non-Democrat white person is a racist.  In this guy's mind, any white person who says anything negative about President Obama is racist.  If a white person does not live in the ghetto projects beside a black person, that white person is racist; if a white person speaks out against welfare, that white person is a racist; if a white person speaks out against illegal immigrants, that white person is a racist; if a white person speaks out and questions whether or not President Obama was born in Kenya instead of Hawaii, then we are racists.  Talk about paranoia run rampant, this nut-case is consumed by paranoia.

Chris, let me explain something to you.  I am one of those guys that does not like President Obama's policies, that does not like welfare, that does not like illegal immigration, that does not like The Affordable Healthcare Act, aka "Obamacare"; that does not like big government, that does not like biased news reporters, that does not like communism, Marxism, that does not like socialism, that DOES like Capitalism, that DOES like small government, that DOES pray, that DOES question whether Obama was born in the USA because of all the evidence pointing to a forged birth certificate, that DOES resent with genuine anger prima donnas like yourself who sit in judgement and stereotype those who do not hold similar viewpoints as yours worse than any stereotyping I have seen by Conservatives in the last fifty years.  Frankly, I do not like your characterizations of people like me, and I deeply resent your company giving a nut-case like you a platform.  You should be confined to a room with padded walls, where you are waited on by guys in white coats that will feed you pablum and take you out daily for nice walks in the sunshine until your paranoia and self-righteousness are gotten under control.

HOW DARE you sit in judgement of anyone.  You, who like in a virtually all white neighborhood where less than five percent of your neighbors are not white, are going to lecture us that we should like in more integrated neighborhoods?  Really?  Does the term hypocrite mean anything to you, Chris, or is just everyone else that is wrong and you are Mr. Perfect?  Tell me, Chris, you ever shared a water bottle with a black person?  I have.  You ever slept in the same room with a black person?  I have.  You ever made long road trips with a black person?  I have.  You ever looked at a black person and seen them just as another person, and not a black person?  You every thought to yourself, I wish I could be friends with that person when that person was a black person?  I have.

Maybe you have, also, Chris.  It would not surprise me to think you had.  So why would you be surprised to find out that I am a sixty-five year old white man from Louisiana who was raised during segregation, where my relatives had black people living in their house as cooks, gardners, drivers, etc., and where they called black people "darkies" because that is what their parents called them.  Would you now believe that I, a white, conservative blogger, have grown to admire and respect not only black people, but every person solely on the "content of their character and not the color of their skin..."?  Would you believe that I try to live that belief and pass that on to my children and my friends and anyone I come into contact with?  Would you believe that I actually admired Martin Luther King, and have quoted him several times in my letters to the editor over the last fifteen years? 

Are there poor misguided individuals that still are racists?  Absolutely! But the personality trait of racism is not a trait that is present only in white people; it exists very much so in all races today; black, white, Asian, Native Americans, Latino, Arab, Jewish, Christian, Muslim...America is so aligning itself by its racial heritage that we are destroying the idea that we are One Nationality...American...Under God!  Let me ask my African American readers (if there are any), any of you born in Africa and immigrated here?  I doubt it?  The vast majority of American citizens today were born here, most going back five or six generations.  We are Americans who happen to be black, white, Latino, Asian, Indian, etc.  AMERICANS, MY FRIENDS, and unless we band together under that banner, we will soon disappear from the face of the earth like so many arrogant superpowers of the past that tore themselves apart from within.

America is being split like a ripe cantelope; sectioned off according to what our skin color, our religion, our ethnicity, our heritage is, and it is making America a weaker, more vulnerable nation.  Some pretty wise people recognized the danger of being divided against oneself...Abraham Lincoln on June 16, 1858 in a speech where he accepted his party's nomination to be a U.S. Senator.  Before him, however, Jesus said the same thing in Matthew "...And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation;and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:Matthew 12:25

Our behavior as a society today makes us appear like most Americans today are too self-absorbed and selfish to remember the wisdom of our forefathers and the Son of God himself to put aside our need to spoil ourselves and punish those we perceive that have wronged us somehow so that the nation itself can come together to progress for the better good of our entire nation rather than our own little special interest group.

Chris Matthews, like so many other people that want to right every wrong, see every person treated equally, and to believe in the basic goodness of man, in his zealous passion to bring about utopia, refuses to believe that man, without the redeeming grace of God and the salvation of Christ, is basically an evil, deceived individual that Satan is manipulating to destroy everything Christ has prepared for us in this world that is good.  Chris Matthews, like anyone who believes that they can create a utopian society here on this earth, lives in a dream world that can never exist on this earth, because for utopia to exist, every person on the planet has to be willing to put aside their selfish interests and subjugate themselves to the common good of all.  Sadly, that is just not going to happen, because sadly the whole world is NOT good, and until Christ comes and re-establishes His kingdom on this earth, there will always be evil people, therefore evil rulers who will do everything in their power to make themselves the world's most dominant, powerful, rich person on the earth by taking whatever they want from those who are too weak or who do not have the will to stop them.  We are fast becoming a country so fractured by divisiveness that we will soon lose that will or that power to protect ourselves and our nation interest, and will, like Greece, Rome, Persia, England, France, Germany, and every other superpower that has become too arrogant, self-absorbed, and fractured from within, sadly take ourselves from the "shining light on the hill" of a nation to a "once-was" great nation status.  And while we would all like to see that utopian society exist on this earth, we must first protect our sovereign status as a nation based on the principals that our founding fathers established in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Until Christ comes again to establish His righteous kingdom on this earth, there will always be evil, and our first duty as a nation is to protect its citizens from the evil and to prepare as best we can to make sure evil does not overtake us!

Chris, conservatives are not the "boogy men"; we do not want to push Barack Obama out of office because he is black, or part-black.  We want to push him out of office because he is driving America to bankruptsy, either intentionally because he wants to destroy us as a power, or because he is an ideologue who is so misguided that he really does think his way can work.  Any student of history and biblical scripture understands this.  Sadly, obviously, you do not, so you, too, need to be re-educated, or just run off and forced to go into early retirement with your jaw wired shut.  You need serious help, and I hope you get it soon.

Oh, by the way, if we conservatives are all racists, why is it that many of us would have supported Condoleezza Rice, Herman Cain, Alan West, or Colin Powell for President or Vice-President?  Please do not tell me you think all these individuals are Jim Crowe individuals!  Nah...I do not believe you think that; I just think you believe anyone who does not want to bow down at the alter of Barack H. Obama is a racist.  WRONG!!!  You are a pathetic little man with a lot of education and not enough common sense to pour water out of a boot!  There is NOT a racist conservative behind every tree, but there sure are a lot of paranoid news commentators that believe there are; I would hate to hang out with you and your friends!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Voter ID Laws; PRO or CON? PRO, no doubt! Doing otherwise dishonors Veterans and U.S. Citizens!

I have thought long and hard about this issue of voter identification laws.  Both sides have legitimate arguments, so making a decision on whether they are the "right" thing to do or the "wrong" thing to do is quite difficult, but something that must be done in order that every American has the opportunity and the right to vote.

On the CON side of the ledger, mostly liberal politicians are screaming that this is only an attempt by the Republicans to dis-enfranchise traditionally non-Republican voters.  Well, let's examine that.  The laws generally are requiring voters to show a photo ID in order to cast their vote.  Liberals are saying that there are many older, poorer voters that have never had a photo ID made, and that to require them to get one made before the November election would be an extreme hardship on them.  That argument sounds logical and reasonable at first glance, but let us take a closer look at ways this law could be made easier.

Most elderly people who vote are going to have to be mobile enough to go to their voting place to cast their vote, are they not?  If they are mobile and can cast their vote, why can't they go by the state driver's license bureau and get a photo ID made?  Most governmental institutions require individuals to provide proof of citizenship or residency to draw any form of government assistance, let that suffice.  Besides that, if they speak English without a foreign accent, then that really should suffice.  If they speak with a foreign accent, then I think that it should be mandatory for them to provide some proof of being a US Citizen to vote; that is not too much to ask.

On the PRO side, the argument is very simple (at least to me, that is!)...literally millions of Americans of all races and creeds have fought and died in wars for over two hundred years to protect American Citizen's rights to decide who will lead us and represent us at all levels of Government.  Until the last sixty or seventy years, trying to determine whether someone was a citizen or not was not a real issue; we enforced our immigration policy fairly and strictly.  Now, in America, our borders are like a sieve; literally millions of illegal immigrants are sneaking into America chasing their dreams for a better life, and trying to escape the poverty and lack of opportunities in other places, and, sadly, trying to find ways to disrupt and destroy American's freedoms.  I was one of those soldiers who served in both Vietnam and in Operation Desert Storm.  I fought for my fellow soldiers, my family, and my fellow American Citizens rights; not to allow some illegal to sneak into this country and cast illegal votes which can strip American Citizens of their protections, benefits, and rights.  If it is the will of this country to allow immigrants to come into this country legally and eventually gain U.S. Citizenship, then so-be-it, and I applaud that policy.  But I do NOT support, nor do I believe most Americans support allowing non US Citizens casting votes in US elections, and potentially doing so in such numbers that they could defeat the will of the majority of U.S. Citizens.  That is not right, and it is not legal, and I think it dishonors those who fought and died to protect the rights of U.S. Citizens.

I am insulted, and I am indignant at the suggestion that Republicans are trying to disenfranchise any American Citizen from voting by requiring some form of proof of citizenship before allowing someone to cast a vote.  It is NOT my desire, nor do I believe it is the desire of of any honorable U.S. Citizen to try to keep any U.S. Citizen from casting a vote.  As a retired U.S. Army MAJOR, I fought and was willing to die to protect that right, and I feel it is the DUTY of every American Citizen to do so.  In my opinion, to sit idly by and not vote dishonors the memory of every soldier who fought and died in every war that we have participated in over the last two hundred thirty-six years.

It is the duty of this society to protect the rights of every citizen of the USA to vote, but just as important, it is also the duty of this society to protect this nation from being illegally governed by representatives elected by voter fraud from non-US Citizens.  Both responsibilities are sacred, and both must be equally and forcefully enforced.  To do otherwise is morally, ethically, and legally wrong!

Frankly, instead of spending so much money and time trying to stop people from being required to show some proof of citizenship before being able to vote, why not spend that effort helping those American Citizens that do not have that proof get it!  That could be something that both political parties could probably benefit from!