Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Will somebody PLEASE get Chris Matthews a good Psychiatrist?!!! This guy needs help!

Chris Matthews is a pathetic, desperate excuse for a man and a news reporter/commentator, or whatever nut-cases in the media are properly labeled these days, and somebody needs to get that guy some help.  This guy is obsessed with the idea that every non-Democrat white person is a racist.  In this guy's mind, any white person who says anything negative about President Obama is racist.  If a white person does not live in the ghetto projects beside a black person, that white person is racist; if a white person speaks out against welfare, that white person is a racist; if a white person speaks out against illegal immigrants, that white person is a racist; if a white person speaks out and questions whether or not President Obama was born in Kenya instead of Hawaii, then we are racists.  Talk about paranoia run rampant, this nut-case is consumed by paranoia.

Chris, let me explain something to you.  I am one of those guys that does not like President Obama's policies, that does not like welfare, that does not like illegal immigration, that does not like The Affordable Healthcare Act, aka "Obamacare"; that does not like big government, that does not like biased news reporters, that does not like communism, Marxism, that does not like socialism, that DOES like Capitalism, that DOES like small government, that DOES pray, that DOES question whether Obama was born in the USA because of all the evidence pointing to a forged birth certificate, that DOES resent with genuine anger prima donnas like yourself who sit in judgement and stereotype those who do not hold similar viewpoints as yours worse than any stereotyping I have seen by Conservatives in the last fifty years.  Frankly, I do not like your characterizations of people like me, and I deeply resent your company giving a nut-case like you a platform.  You should be confined to a room with padded walls, where you are waited on by guys in white coats that will feed you pablum and take you out daily for nice walks in the sunshine until your paranoia and self-righteousness are gotten under control.

HOW DARE you sit in judgement of anyone.  You, who like in a virtually all white neighborhood where less than five percent of your neighbors are not white, are going to lecture us that we should like in more integrated neighborhoods?  Really?  Does the term hypocrite mean anything to you, Chris, or is just everyone else that is wrong and you are Mr. Perfect?  Tell me, Chris, you ever shared a water bottle with a black person?  I have.  You ever slept in the same room with a black person?  I have.  You ever made long road trips with a black person?  I have.  You ever looked at a black person and seen them just as another person, and not a black person?  You every thought to yourself, I wish I could be friends with that person when that person was a black person?  I have.

Maybe you have, also, Chris.  It would not surprise me to think you had.  So why would you be surprised to find out that I am a sixty-five year old white man from Louisiana who was raised during segregation, where my relatives had black people living in their house as cooks, gardners, drivers, etc., and where they called black people "darkies" because that is what their parents called them.  Would you now believe that I, a white, conservative blogger, have grown to admire and respect not only black people, but every person solely on the "content of their character and not the color of their skin..."?  Would you believe that I try to live that belief and pass that on to my children and my friends and anyone I come into contact with?  Would you believe that I actually admired Martin Luther King, and have quoted him several times in my letters to the editor over the last fifteen years? 

Are there poor misguided individuals that still are racists?  Absolutely! But the personality trait of racism is not a trait that is present only in white people; it exists very much so in all races today; black, white, Asian, Native Americans, Latino, Arab, Jewish, Christian, Muslim...America is so aligning itself by its racial heritage that we are destroying the idea that we are One Nationality...American...Under God!  Let me ask my African American readers (if there are any), any of you born in Africa and immigrated here?  I doubt it?  The vast majority of American citizens today were born here, most going back five or six generations.  We are Americans who happen to be black, white, Latino, Asian, Indian, etc.  AMERICANS, MY FRIENDS, and unless we band together under that banner, we will soon disappear from the face of the earth like so many arrogant superpowers of the past that tore themselves apart from within.

America is being split like a ripe cantelope; sectioned off according to what our skin color, our religion, our ethnicity, our heritage is, and it is making America a weaker, more vulnerable nation.  Some pretty wise people recognized the danger of being divided against oneself...Abraham Lincoln on June 16, 1858 in a speech where he accepted his party's nomination to be a U.S. Senator.  Before him, however, Jesus said the same thing in Matthew "...And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation;and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:Matthew 12:25

Our behavior as a society today makes us appear like most Americans today are too self-absorbed and selfish to remember the wisdom of our forefathers and the Son of God himself to put aside our need to spoil ourselves and punish those we perceive that have wronged us somehow so that the nation itself can come together to progress for the better good of our entire nation rather than our own little special interest group.

Chris Matthews, like so many other people that want to right every wrong, see every person treated equally, and to believe in the basic goodness of man, in his zealous passion to bring about utopia, refuses to believe that man, without the redeeming grace of God and the salvation of Christ, is basically an evil, deceived individual that Satan is manipulating to destroy everything Christ has prepared for us in this world that is good.  Chris Matthews, like anyone who believes that they can create a utopian society here on this earth, lives in a dream world that can never exist on this earth, because for utopia to exist, every person on the planet has to be willing to put aside their selfish interests and subjugate themselves to the common good of all.  Sadly, that is just not going to happen, because sadly the whole world is NOT good, and until Christ comes and re-establishes His kingdom on this earth, there will always be evil people, therefore evil rulers who will do everything in their power to make themselves the world's most dominant, powerful, rich person on the earth by taking whatever they want from those who are too weak or who do not have the will to stop them.  We are fast becoming a country so fractured by divisiveness that we will soon lose that will or that power to protect ourselves and our nation interest, and will, like Greece, Rome, Persia, England, France, Germany, and every other superpower that has become too arrogant, self-absorbed, and fractured from within, sadly take ourselves from the "shining light on the hill" of a nation to a "once-was" great nation status.  And while we would all like to see that utopian society exist on this earth, we must first protect our sovereign status as a nation based on the principals that our founding fathers established in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Until Christ comes again to establish His righteous kingdom on this earth, there will always be evil, and our first duty as a nation is to protect its citizens from the evil and to prepare as best we can to make sure evil does not overtake us!

Chris, conservatives are not the "boogy men"; we do not want to push Barack Obama out of office because he is black, or part-black.  We want to push him out of office because he is driving America to bankruptsy, either intentionally because he wants to destroy us as a power, or because he is an ideologue who is so misguided that he really does think his way can work.  Any student of history and biblical scripture understands this.  Sadly, obviously, you do not, so you, too, need to be re-educated, or just run off and forced to go into early retirement with your jaw wired shut.  You need serious help, and I hope you get it soon.

Oh, by the way, if we conservatives are all racists, why is it that many of us would have supported Condoleezza Rice, Herman Cain, Alan West, or Colin Powell for President or Vice-President?  Please do not tell me you think all these individuals are Jim Crowe individuals!  Nah...I do not believe you think that; I just think you believe anyone who does not want to bow down at the alter of Barack H. Obama is a racist.  WRONG!!!  You are a pathetic little man with a lot of education and not enough common sense to pour water out of a boot!  There is NOT a racist conservative behind every tree, but there sure are a lot of paranoid news commentators that believe there are; I would hate to hang out with you and your friends!

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