Thursday, January 24, 2013

Who are the real "haters"?

We have some real dumb creatures in Congress, folks, and it is time we came to realize that they have been up there so long, they have completely lost touch with reality. Unfortunately, and embarrasingly, however, we have no-one to blame but OURSELVES! For some reason, we have become so stupid that we follow along with these morons leadership like lemmings following the lead lemming off the cliff to their deaths!

I am a conservative, Christian, heterosexual, pro-life, pro-religion, pro-gun male. That makes me, according to the U.S. Congress part of so many “hate” groups that I cannot count that high. Who defines a hate group, though? How do they know we hate anything? Facts be know, I do not hate anyone, even those crazy lunatics in Congress that call me a hater. I think down deep, many of them are probably decent people, except maybe Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, Andrew Cuomo, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama, who I happen to believe are maniacal Hitler wanna-be's. But I do not even hate them; I pity them, but I absolute DISPISE their actions, per Jesus's instructions to “ the sinner, hate the sin.”

Most Christians do not hate people, because Christians have a conscience; it is called the Holy Spirit that lives inside us. We believe the founders, who were almost to a man, God-fearing, God-loving Christians of varying denominations. We believe they understood that America's freedoms were due to blessings and protections from God, and not of our own works. We believe they understood that for America's freedoms to perpetuate and grow, that God's laws needed to be the foundations for the laws of the land, and that is why they wanted the Bible taught in public schools, why before almost every major decision was made regarding the content of the Constitution, the delegates prayed together and separately before the vote.

I believe that America was victorious in both World Wars because we understood and still held to the views of our founders, and we appealed as a nation to God for the protection and victories so that our freedoms could be ongoing, and we believe God answered those prayers. But since World War II, liberals, who believe the Constitution is an outdated, irrelevant document that needs to be rewritten to make it more relevant to today's world, have done the deal-level best to slowly and surely re-write history to make their visions of America come to pass; a nation where God is constrained to the inside of houses of worship and unwelcome anywhere else.

Liberals DO hate. They hate conservatives; they hate anyone and anything that does not think like they do, and that resists their efforts to change America. They hate democracy; they hate Christianity because it stands for everything they stand against. They hate pro-life people, and refuse to recognize that a fetus is a human, even though if no pro-active actions are taken, that fetus will be born alive and a human being. They believe if someone kills a woman who is pregnant, that the killer is guilty of two murders, but on the other hand, they think it is perfectly OK to commit partial birth abortions by sticking a pair of scissors into the brains of a partially born infant and scramble its brains to kill it, and they call that protecting a woman's right to privacy over her body. REALLY?

No, folks, the real “haters” are liberals. They hate anyone and anything that stands in their way of turning America into a socialist, agnostic, secular, utopian, nanny state. They hate the Constitution because the founders knew that eventually, power-crazy politicians would do everything they could to steal our God-given rights and turn them into rights given by the Government, which can then, at the Government's whelm, be taken away by that government. They hate guns, because guns are the only real protection that the American citizens have against a power-crazy bunch of politicians like we now have forcefully turning us into a nation of cowering pawns controlled by these power crazy politicians. They hate the founders because they know the founders knew what they were going to try to do sooner or later, and created the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution to protect the citizens' rights to bear arms (any kind of Arms we feel like owning), so that if needed, the citizens could rise up against the Government and forcefully throw them out if they go too crazy!

Liberals hate the truth, and they hate facts.  Confronted with the facts that the ten-year ban on assault weapons started under the Clinton Administration did nothing, when these mass shooting happened, what did they do?  They climbed right back on that dead horse and now are advocating even stronger controls!  What a bunch of idiots!  There are so many analogies that could be made, but just to quote one, blaming guns for these mass shootings is like blaming the airplanes for the 9/11 attacks.  Both make about as much sense!  They are such ideologues that they refuse to acknowledge that virtually every demogogue government over the last century got its start by dearming the citizenry (Hitler, Stalin, Mousselini, Mao, North Korea, Cuba, just to name a few.  They refuse to acknowledge that every situation where the citizens have been disarmed, violent crime rates and the overall crime rates have risen.  It leave the citizens helpless against criminals who care less about the law and will get a gun by theft or by buying them on the black market.  GUN BANS are Unconstitutional, and THEY DO NOT WORK!  Liberals, get that through your thick skulls!

Did anyone blame the airplanes?  No?  Has anyone done anything to try and restrict airplane flights to stop things like this from happening?  No?  But they want to take guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens, they want to restrict how much ammunition, how many rounds can go in a magazine on our weapons, and want to stop the manufacturers from manufacturing assault weapons or even weapons that are "ugly".  If we follow that analogy, then we probably need to make airplane manufacturers stop manufacturing airplanes bigger than a piper cub so they cannot bring down sky-scrapers.  They should suggest we ground all the airplanes that hold enough fuel to cause fires like those that brought down the World Trade Centers.

Their idea of "fixing" things is always to restrict American's rights.  They are ideologues that absolutely have no concept that it is not the tools that are evil, it is not the tool makers that are evil, it is people who use the tools that do bad things.  But can they admit that?  No, because then they would have to admit that their social experiments where they have removed morality, God, discipline, and punishment from the schools, prisons, government buildings and organizations has failed.  They would have to acknowledge that America is an undisciplined, immoral, agnostic, heathen nation, led by undisciplined, selfish, immoral, agnostic, heathen bunch of liberals and that is the reason you have such crazy, unthinkable situations like Newtown, Columbine, Aurora, and on and on and on is the list of unspeakable crimes committed by seriously ill, mentally ill individuals that were never disciplined because the "system" did not want to say that they were unfit for society.   So...the liberals in our government just look for other reasons and other actions that they can take which further their agenda, regardless of the truths that slap them in the face.  It frankly is time for a good house cleaning and a return to the path that the founders envisioned for America.

We are just about there, America. We have some people with a serious God-complex trying to take our guns, run rough-shod over our religious principles, and use fancy words and lies to try and convince us all that wrong is right, black is white, and good is evil, and sadly, a majority of us seem to be falling for it. Why would I say we are falling for it? Because about fifty two percent of the voters in this last election re-elected a man who had done absolutely nothing constructive in four years in office, had increased our debt by 50% in four years, squandered over a trillion dollars on ponzi schemes to reward contributors, backed union thugs in armed confrontation with law-abiding citizens trying to keep states from going bankrupt, cowed down to Muslims, prayed with Muslims but refused to lead the country on its recognized day of prayer, and purposely divided our nation, committed character assassination on one of America's finest families and business leaders, and refused to take any action which got four Americans killed in Bengazi, Lybia, then lied to the nation about who committed those crimes, and stone-walled Congress investigating how our ATF provided guns to Mexican drug cartels, which ended up being used to kill an American border guard.

Who are the haters? The Liberals, and a self-centered, greedy, self-gratifying bunch of gullible Americans were foolish enough to believe the garbage the man spit out and re-elect the lying piece of trash for four more years.

Do I sound like I hate? I confess, I do. But I do not hate people, just the ideas that they try to shove down the rest of our throats that go against everything that the Constitution, the faith of our founders, and the country's history stood for prior to 1947. I do NOT hate the President, I do not hate liberals. I absolutely detest their actions, however. I detest their lies, their manipulation of the facts, their judgmental ways of looking at God fearing Americans, and the way they lie and enslave millions of gullible people by giving them just enough to get buy on and destroying their self-esteem, their self-confidence, and their self-discipline. I DO hate their actions, I DO condemn their actions, and I DO NOT intend to become one of those idiots or victims that they bully or cow-down. I will fight them tooth and nail, toe-to-toe, face-to-face with the truth, and at the same time pray for their souls.

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