When will people stop
looking at a weapon and blaming it for innocent people being killed? That
is so symptomatic of this “victim” society, but it is an absolutely stupid
view!. The gun does not kill until a person points it at someone and
pulls the trigger; same for a knife, a bomb, poison, a car, or anything else!
Anyone ever wonder why mass
shootings like this almost never occurred prior to the late 1980s and began
with regularity in the late 1990s? Although a few occurred prior to this,
random shootings with no real grievances against someone being a motivation
really did not start until 1998. Although there are some who disagree
with my beliefs, there are also many experts who say that violent games promote
aggressive behavior and condition players to view the act of killing someone
and the gory results of shooting somebody in the head, or cutting off a body
part as not so repulsive an act. In other words, they cheapen the value
of another life to the players. Virtually all of the extremely graphic
video games came out after 1995 (ex: Mortal Combat 1993; Grand Theft Auto
1998; Call of Duty 2003; World of Warcraft 2004 ). It is my belief that
these games cheapen the value of life and slowly desensitize players to the
actual horrors of taking someone's life violently. The more graphic and
realistic the video games actions become, the more that they desensitize the
players to the gore associated with shooting someone in the head and seeing
their blood and brains splattered all over the walls and floors. If
killed in the game, then just restarting the game brings the characters back to
life. The finality of a death in real life is cloaked and softened in the
minds of the players.
Again, there are conflicting
beliefs on both sides of the argument whether the games do or do not stimulate
violent behavior on the players. I tried playing those games with my sons
for awhile, and I observed that the graphic depictions of snipers blowing
peoples' heads wide open, the blood and brain matter being sprayed graphically,
and the mayhem done to people in those games was very disturbing to me
personally, but seemed to have no effect on my sons. Personally, I
believe that although they may or may not stimulate the violent behavior, they
do desensitize individuals to the gore and finality of the act of taking
someone's life by a bullet.
There is also no question
that the rise of violence and the exponential growth of gun violence is
directly correlated to the disintegration of the family unit which is directly
correlated in time line with the SCOTUS’s numerous rulings which removed prayer
from public schools (1947), then government buildings, legalizing abortions
(1973), government interfering with parental disciplining of their own
children, and the school systems’ being sued by parents accusing teachers of
improper disciplining of students in class.
The Surgeon General of the
United States stated in 2001 that "...According to the report, the strongest risk factors
for school shootings center are mental stability and the quality of home life,
not media exposure." As long as history has been documented, life
has been centered around family. The Bible tells us that after God
created man, he created woman because it was not good that man should be
alone: Genesis 2:18-24: "18 The Lord God said, “It
is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him. ...21 So the Lord God caused
the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of
the man’s ribs[g] and then closed up the place
with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made
a woman from the rib[h] he had taken out of the man,
and he brought her to the man. 23 The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she
shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” 24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his
wife, and they become one flesh."
God created the
family. God made that family unit a man and a woman. It is through
family that mankind grows in number. It is through family that
generations of individuals have learned proper manners, respect for others,
belief in God, and the right ways to love one another as human beings and kin.
But that family unit has been systematically destroyed by liberal judges making
rulings that have destroyed the moral compass of this nation. They have
made rulings which have subjected Americans to pornography which poisons the
minds of men, women, and even children with sensual stimulations stressing sex
with anybody at any time, where adults have sex with children, and humans with
animals, and sex where men and women are abused physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Pornography destroys the proper bond between men and women and replaces it with
a fantacy world where people live out their fantasies with strangers they see
on the screen, sometimes permanently destroying the relationship with their
spouses. They have made rulings which destroy the family structure that God designed and have imposed upon society a made-up family structure that is offensive to many individuals and groups that think God's plan is the ONLY plan that will effectively unite the country again. What individuals do behind closed doors is between them and God, but to force through judicial mandate society to view and tolerate and have to not be critical of the perversion to Biblical guidelines that many of us believe the overriding mandate guiding our lives is extremely offensive, is hypocritical, and in my opinion illegal. We have a government telling us what we have to think and what we can and cannot say, and that is antithetical to everything that the founding fathers believe and provide for in the Constitution.
To sum up, America
functioned until the late 1940s under the concept of Original Intent, e.g.,
interpreting the Constitution by first looking at the intent of the writer(s)
of the particular article of the Constitution and using that as the guideline
principle by which the decision was conformed to the intent of the
writer. Starting in 1947 and continuing through today, the liberal judges
adopted the concept of Judicial Activism, wherein they used the social norms
and trends of the day to guide them in their interpretations of the
Constitution. That shift left the nation with an ever-changing basis upon
which right and wrong was defined, leading us to a situation where today, in
many cases, right or wrong is defined by each person, by the loudest protesting
voices, or by special interest groups lobbying powers, rather than by the
Original Intent of the founding fathers. This is wrong, it is immoral, definitely unconstitutional, and goes against the spirit and promise of freedom that our founders wrote in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
The majority of our founders
were Christians, and the evidence is found in their writings. David
Barton, President of Wallbuilders, has collected over seventy thousand of the
original writings of our founders. It should be noted that many
historians agree that there are 204 individuals that qualify to be called
"founders" of our nation. Of that 204 individuals, every last
one of them identified with a Christian sect. Of the 56 signers of the
Declaration of Independence, all fifty-six identified with a Christian
sect. The breakdown can been seen here: List of
Christian founders and signers of Declaration of Independence Those who
claim that our founders were not Christians are simply lying or do not know
what they are talking about.
America has lost its moral
compass, which our founders intended to be the principles of the Christian
faith, and frankly speaking, until that is reversed, all the laws in the world
will do NOTHING to stop mass shootings in schools, and gun violence on our city
streets. People kill other people, and if a gun is not available, they
will find another weapon to do it. The hearts, minds, and souls of
America’s citizens must be changed before it can expect any behavior changes. The concept of gun control changing anything is proven to be a pipe dream; just look at Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and many other cities where guns are as available as cigarettes to anyone with money and the will to look for them. The government trying to control anything is ridiculous. Prohibition didn't work, the War on Drugs didn't work, and gun control didn't work in the past and won't in the future.
Let's face it; if history has proven anything, it is that evil is going to be a part of this world as long as it exists until Christ comes back and establishes His kingdom here on earth and banishes Satan and his demons to hell. But until then, we will be fighting that evil, and unless we do so based on a belief in Christ and governing by His principles, it will be a losing battle.
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