Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Things that I love and hate about America at this time:

I love America, but most of what is happening in America right now makes me very angry, and I absolutely hate it.  Here are some of the things that I love and some of the things that I hate about America:

  • ·         People who will not let the Government push them around, but will stand up and speak the truth regardless of how the government might try to intimidate them.
  • ·         American Soldiers; men and women of the United States Army,  the United States Marine Corps, the United States Navy, the United States Coast Guard, and the United States Air Force, that put their lives on the line daily to protect America’s freedoms.
  • ·         Godly men and women that stand up and defend American’s rights to worship God as they please, when they please, where they please, and how they please, and do so not for the praise and adoration of men, but for the glory of God
  • ·         Men and women that sacrifice their time, money, and labor to help those that cannot help themselves
  • ·         People that are humble, selfless, yet courageous
  • ·         The beauty of our nation’s natural environment
  • ·         Our Constitution
  • ·         Our Declaration of Independence
  • ·         Our history, including the fact that Americans were willing to fight a war and die in order to abolish the greatest blight on any society, where one person can be owned by another person and be forced to work for that person as long as they may live, and treated like a possession rather than a human being.
  • ·         That America is willing to change what needs to be changed about its laws and regulations in order to become a nation more closely akin to that nation envisioned by our founders.
  • ·         That, for the moment, Americans are encouraged to become business owners, to go out and take that risk, and to enjoy the fruits of their labors.
  • ·         That I have friends and family that love me, in spite of my flaws and imperfections, and encourage me to be a better human being.
  • ·         People who love children, know that they are God’s most precious gift, and will treat them as such.
  • ·         The freedom of flight; of seeing God’s creations from His perspective, and being awed by what God has created.
  • ·         My wife and children, and my grandchildren.
  • ·         People who will forgive…regardless of the offense against them, whether imagined or real
  • ·         Women who choose to give birth to an unplanned child over an abortion.
  • ·         Men who treasure a woman that wants to be a good wife, a good mother, and a Godly partner in life.
  • ·         Women who treasure a man that wants to be a good husband, a good father, and a Godly partner in life.
  • ·         That I have the right to say what I want

  • ·         I see politicians and judges ignoring the wishes and guidelines that our founding fathers had when the penned the greatest documents on earth other than the Holy Bible; e.g., The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. 
  • ·         I see everyone expecting a free handout and nobody willing to work for it
  • ·         I see politicians, both Republicans and Democrats constantly lying, exaggerating, and promising whatever they think the voters want, knowing full well they cannot deliver what they promise.
  • ·         I hate politicians that are only in politics for what they can get out of it, instead of what they can give to those they represent.
  • ·         I see women demanding the right to do with their bodies as they wish, including killing an unborn child that they created, using the excuse that under the Constitution, their right to privacy is violated if they cannot (a right nowhere mentioned in the Constitution)
  • ·         I see those same women demanding that they be provided birth control pills or other contraceptive services at no cost to them (e.g., we, the taxpayers pay for it), whether we agree with the idea of birth control or not.
  • ·         I see politicians playing with people’s ability to make a living, using that as a tool to earn money or political support from special interest groups.
  • ·         I see judges ignoring the founders of our nation’s will when it comes to religion and government and creating an atmosphere where Christian beliefs, which the founders almost universally used as the foundations for our civil and criminal laws, now being banned from the public square.
  • ·         I see politicians giving aid and comfort to the enemy in order to make the other party look bad, and in doing so cost American soldier’s lives by encouraging the enemy to just hang on because we do not have the leadership and stomach to stay there and see the job done, and saying the war is lost when, in the end, militarily, we won!
  • ·         I see the government and unions creating a workforce of incompetents and hanger-on’ers instead of encouraging efficiency and performance.
  • ·         I see unscrupulous lawyers filing frivolous lawsuits to get unscrupulous clients huge settlements, which drives up everybody else’s insurance rates.
  • ·         I see our government trying to bypass and destroy the U.S. Constitution by forcing religious organizations to violate their religious principles and provide free contraceptive services to women.
  • ·         I see women choosing to have unprotected sex, then when they get pregnant, expecting the federal government to “give” them an abortion.  They choose to kill an unborn baby rather than take preventative measure to not get pregnant; in other words, murdering an unborn child is OK, as long as I can have unprotected sex when I want to. (statistics show that 97% of abortions are elective and have nothing to do with the health of the mother, rape, or incest)
  • ·         I see brave, young American soldiers being wounded, maimed, and killed fighting a war, then coming home and being treated like a second-class citizen, having to fight the VA and the military to get the treatments they need while their families are forced to live on a meager existence, often having to have food stamps to feed themselves and their families.
  • ·         I see institutions like the VA and Social Security forcing individuals to have to hire lawyers to force them to properly review an individual’s needs for disability and grant the individuals the benefits they have fought to earn, rather than looking for ways to help individuals in true need.
  • ·         I see Supreme Court justices being appointed primarily because they support a political philosophy rather than the proper reason, e.g., that they will make proper interpretations of the Constitution according to the guidelines our founding fathers intended.
  • ·         I see politicians passing laws and programs to be imposed upon the citizens of this nation, but excluding themselves from the programs because they KNOW the programs and laws are either sub-standard, or will not work at all.
  • ·         I see politicians of the same party attacking other candidates running for the same office they are running for, resorting to negative campaigning, pulling facts or statements out of context to make their opponents look bad, and creating a totally negative, depressing, destructive image in the minds of voters, and, sadly, the voters not smart enough or strong enough to see through the tactics and demand better.
  • ·         I see Biblical morality attacked and smeared by special interest groups and the courts, in favor of the courts supporting immorality, pornography, and agnosticism, and doing so under the guises of that being the intent of the Constitution, when, if one reads the Constitution and the notes and memoires of the founders, the actual intent of the founders was exactly the opposite of what the courts are doing.
  • ·         I see politicians mortgaging the future of our nation in order to continue funding failed programs which encourage people not to work, not to complete their schooling, to have more babies out of wedlock, to not get married, to pay off political debts to contributors, to fund special interest projects like Solendra and other failed experiments.
  • ·         I hate a President that insults our foreign allies, becomes an apologist for the greatest nation on earth, sucks up to Islamic nations, creates a prayer day in Washington for Muslims, but will not celebrate the National Day of Prayer in 2011, refuses to call Muslim extremists “terrorists”, and brands members of the Tea Party security risks to America.
  • ·         That people like Bill Mayer can have a platform on the television airways and mock and demean God, Christians, politicians that he disagrees with, etc., and that it is legal and he makes millions by doing it, when he should be shunned by society as a man possessed with demons from Hell, like he is!
  • ·         That people like Rush Limbaugh can get on the airwaves and call a woman a slut because she voices her opinion in Congress, even though I wholeheartedly disagree with her opinions.
  • ·         News Media organizations that are openly biased in their news reporting, rather than being a fair and neutral source of information for the American public.
  • ·         That our President and liberals believe the have the right to take money away from those who earn it and give it to those who do nothing for it, because it is their duty to insure everyone gets “their fair share”.
  • ·         That my freedom of speech is not guaranteed if I disagree with the Federal Government’s stance regarding homosexuality, abortion, or the Government’s role and intrusions into my life or anyone else’s life.

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