Wednesday, September 12, 2012

WAKE UP AMERICA!!! Stop drinking the Obama Kool-Aid! It's Killing America!!!

I am befuddled and appalled by what I see and hear on the news about people still believing Obama can do a better job of helping the middle class than Mitt Romney. What is wrong with those people? They must all be smoking some serious weed or taking some very hard drugs if they really believe that!

I really am confused. I just cannot understand how anybody other than somebody who has never had to really work for a living could possibly believe that a man who has never had a real job where he had to earn a living and make a payroll rather than be on the public payroll could be expected to understand what it is like to really have to take a risk to make a payroll? Romney has a proven track record of turning businesses around and making them profitable. Only a bureaucrat that is used to taking public funds instead of having to earn them by running a business could criticize that record, but what would one expect when the President has never had run anything but a public service organization. He is clueless what it takes to start, grow, expand, or manage a business where in order to survive, one has to make a profit!

Look at the results of Obama for four years; forty-three months of unemployment being over 8% when he promised it would never exceed eight percent (8%), and in 2012, it was supposed to be at six percent (6%). He has more than doubled the entire debt of the United States from when he took office until now. Two-hundred thirty two years to get the debt to eight trillion, and now it is doubled to over sixteen trillion dollars ($16,000,000,000,000) in forty-three months! And we still believe this man can help the middle class? He has added twenty six thousand dollars $26,000+)plus in debt for every American alive today that our grandchildren will have to somehow pay off, and he is advocating spending trillions more in debt with his disastrous health-care bill and his failed stimulus packages he is proposing. If we take into account that nearly fifty percent of Americans pay no taxes at all, then the reality is that every TAXPAYING AMERICAN has inherited about fifty-three thousand dollars ($53,000) in new debt that their children will have to payoff. Only an IDIOT does the same thing over and over and over and expects a different result. The stimulus has failed in the past, and the same type of stimulus in the future will fail again! Even the Moody's Financial rating company is threatening to downgrade the US Debt instruments if we do not stop this unconstrained growth of our national debt.

America, wake up! Stop drinking the Obama Kool-aid!. Wipe the scales off your eyes! This man is a disaster. Go to the dictionary; look up the definition of Socialism, then when you realize that this is exactly what President Obama is driving the US towards, find one nation in history where socialist countries have ever managed to keep from destroying themselves. Look at Greece, Spain, Russia, the old Soviet Union, Cuba. Socialism is a failed Utopian dream that can never happen in the real world!

Open your eyes, Americans. Four more years of Obama will be the death of this nation's future. We cannot sustain his policies. Come into the real world! Kick the socialist Muslim-loving bum out of office. Let someone who know how real businesses function take over and do what businesses need, rather than what bureaucrats that want to regulate everything we do and strangles us with higher taxes, more regulations and an unsustainable increase in our national debt.

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