Friday, January 11, 2013

Open Letter & Caution to President Obama

Dear Mr. President,
I am more scared for my country now that I have ever been in my life, because I feel like my President is a treasonous, underhanded liar that is intentionally doing things that he believes will destroy the nation that has been the United States of America since 1776.
You come from somewhere, we cannot be sure of where, because every piece of supposed proof of your U.S. Birth, has been brought into serious question as to its authentisity.  You got grants to attend college where you claimed to be a foreign student from Kenya.  You attended Muslim schools, you pray with Muslims, but refuse to lead the nation in prayer on the National Day of Prayer.  But besides these, there are actions that you have taken that, if looked at with independent eyes, tell of a person who is intent on destroying the United States economically:
You have nearly doubled the entire debt of this nation from where it was after the first 236 years of our nation in only four years.  That caused our nation's credit rating to be lowered for the first time in its history.  Your proposed budgets would push our debt up another twenty-five percent in the next four years, putting us in the same category as near-bankrupt nations like Greece, France, and Italy.  Your healthcare plan is going to push American's healthcare into another government-controlled, single-source healthcare system similar to what England, France, Greece, and other European Community nations now have, which statistics prove is a sub-standard healthcare system by any measure as compared to what America has.  An now, you make the dumbest statement I have ever heard when you state that America does NOT have a spending problem.  Really?  You confirmed your stupidity when you made the staement, and telegraph your intentions to keep spending borrowing forty cents of every dollar you spend, driving the nation into bankruptsy.
Now, you are attempting to institute some type of gun-control, your first-step in what everyone with half-a-brain knows will lead eventually to some type of gun seizure plan.  Now you are saying that you will bypass Congress and use an executive order to raise the debt ceiling by relying on a sentence or two in the 14th Amendment to our Constitution, which, under the broadest of interpretations could NEVER have been interpreted giving you the right to by-pass Congress (except by liberals like you who just interpret it any fashion that supports your liberal agenda).
It is obvious from previous comments by you and other liberals that you think the Constitution is antiquated and needs to be "re-interpreted according to today's societial standards.  WRONG!  You do not have that right.  The founders instituted inside the Constitution what the process was to change the Constitution.  You are attempting sedition, and that is dispicable.  It is my firm belief that your intent is to destroy the Constitution, destroy this nation, then re-shape it according to your Socialist, liberal agenda.
Mr. President, that would be a very grave mistake for many reasons:

  1. The soldiers of this nation take an oath of office to defend that Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.  They do not take an oath of office to defend traitors or individuals trying to destroy the Constitution.  It is my absolute belief, as a retired veteran of two military campaigns, (Vietnam and Desert Storm), that I, my fellow retirees, and most of the active-duty soldiers of today would view your actions as treasonous and an attempt to overthrow the Constitution and establish a dictatorship should you make such an attempt.  Frankly, Mr. President, most of us do not like you.  We think you are a coward, anti-American in your root beliefs, and a coward.  We believe you sacrifice four brave Americans at Bengazi just so you could win an election by sustaining the lie that Al Qaeda is no longer a power.  I and my fellow soldiers believe you betrayed us and sacrificed those men for your political power play.
  2. There are approximately three hundred million guns in this nation, owned by law-abiding citizens.  Your announced intentions to institute some type of gun control are uniting us more than you will every understand.  Do you really think that you can convince us to give up anything to an administration like yours, one that we do not trust as far as we could throw an M-1 Abrahams tank?  If you really believe that, Mr. President, you are a damn fool.  Nothing would unite us more than if you tried that, and I sincerely think, Mr. President, that your actions would end up in an armed insurrection that would overthrow your government.  After all, Mr. President, ninety percent of us believe Congress is inept and unable to accomplish anything.  Most of us believe that you are a liar, a closet-Muslim, and a socialist with the intention of destroying this nation.  Actions like trying to sieze guns or restrict our ability to get the guns we want would only solidify that image and our resistance to you.
  3. If push came to shove, Mr. President, I believe our military would not be willing to fire on its own people who are doing nothing to instigate a conflict, and are only attempting to do what the Constitution says we are entitled to do.  As many of the military that cannot stand you, you would have a mexican stand-off of gargantuian proportions, and you would lose, because EVERY legitimate gun owner in the nation would be against you, and like me, many of them would be willing to fight any attempt to sieze our guns to the death.
So there you have it, Mr. President.  You do not undersand it, but you are in a no-win situation.  No matter what you decide, you lose.  Your choice is to lose peacefully and live within the intent of the founders as they wrote this Constitution, or possibly die by attempting to destroy it or circumvent it and forcing several hundred million gun-owners to take a stand against you, one that there is no way you can win.

Your choice, Mr. President.  I just hope you are not that stupid.

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