There is a lot of news recently surrounding the “coming out” of President Obama when he stated that he was changing his prior position of being against Gay Marriage, and now supports Gay Marriage.
Much of the debate in the news, however, has swung away from the homosexuality debate and seems to now be focusing in on whether the flip-flop of the President is going to hurt him in the election. Initially, the feeling was that it would, because there are many, many devoutly Christian African Americans that do not believe in Gay Marriage, and the thought/talk among many of the political commentators/analysts was that his announcement might cause them to change from their support of the President and vote Republican.
In just over a week since the President announced his new position, however, the political commentators are saying that it really is not going to hurt him very much. Two African American preachers interviewed earlier this week on the FOX News Channel both said they were still going to vote for President Obama, but one of those preachers, just a few nights before this interview, had said he was going to not vote at all because of the President’s position. When Bill O’Reilly asked him why the change, he said that he had received many calls from the members of his congregation about that, and now he was going to vote for the President after all. Mr. O’Reilly pressed him on why the change of heart; why, when he was anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage, would he not vote for Mitt Romney, he said that he would never vote for Mitt Romney because Mr. Obama had better policies on the economy, on foreign policy, etc. The man was so embarrassed that he could not even look into the camera. The fact that he was saying what his congregation told him to say was so evident from his body language and his gestures and the inflections in his voice, I actually felt sorry for him.
The African American Community voted virtually unanimously in the last election for President Obama; ninety-seven percent of the black community voted for Mr. Obama. It was a given then that they would, and frankly, it is probably a given in 2012 that the same result will occur, and that greatly disappoints me.
I am a southern, white, sixty-five year old male. I listen to FOX on occasion, I’ll listen to CNN, NBC’s Today Show, and sometimes, just for grins, I’ll listen to MSNBC to see what the far left liberals are putting out. The liberals are taking every opportunity to say that anyone that is against President Obama is a racist; that we only want him removed from office because he has African American blood in his veins, and frankly, I find that highly insulting. To me, that is what liberals have to fall back on when they cannot win an argument against those who are going to vote against the President for any other reason.
For generations, blacks were assumed to be too dumb to be a part of white society. Fortunately, over the last century, and especially in the last sixty years or so, America has wised up and realized that every human being has worth and should be measured by, to quote Dr. King, the “…content of their character and not the color of their skin.” Too bad that so many of the black community have forgotten that part of Dr. King’s philosophy. They are practicing the same thing that white Americans did for generations. If the truth be told, they are going to vote for Barack Obama again because he is black, and because to do otherwise would incur the wrath of many of their fellow African Americans.
Am I saying that there are not those in the black community that did not and will vote for Mr. Obama for other than the fact that he is black? No, I am not. What I am saying is that when the percentages his ninety-seven percent, only an idiot would say that there is not a large number of blacks that are voting for President Obama strictly on race.
It can also be said that there are many in the white community that are voting for President Obama strictly because he is black, and they wish to prove that white Americans are NOT racist.
I wonder how the white community now would be described if they exhibited the same mentality as the black community is exhibiting, e.g., a blind determination to vote for the white candidate just because he is white? Just like many in the African American community, there would be those that found some other reason to give that they were voting for him, but unlike the FOX News analysts, they would be called liars by the liberal press before the words got out of their mouths good. How many news agencies would be on the air screaming racism, prejudice, bigotry every time that a poll came out and the results showed the white citizens of America block voting for a white candidate at the ninety-seven percent level? That would dominate the headlines and commentators shows for months on end, expecially the ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN networks! Jessee Jackson and Al Sharpton would be most prominent faces on television, except maybe with the exception of Joe Biden going nuts every time somebody asked him about it! I just cannot stomach the hypocrisy that is being show in the media and the black community today with regard to their practicing racial voting on one hand, but condemning anyone who says they will NOT vote for Obama because he is black!
Maybe I'm old fashioned, but to me, wrong is wrong and right is right. Morality, sin, good, evil....all those character traits are colorblind. Just as it is wrong for white people to vote for a candidate just because that candidate is white, it is just as wrong for a black person, or a latino, asian, oriental, Arab, Jew, native American...really anybody to vote for a candidate just because of that person's ethnicity.
I will come right out and tell anyone that I would not vote for Barack Obama, but it has nothing to do with his race. He has demonstrated to me a fanatical determination to push the far left liberal agenda down the throats of every American whether the majority want it or not. I will not vote for him because he seems oblivious to the disastrous nature of driving up the national debt to the levels of bankrupting the country. I will not vote for Barack Obama because he has insulted our traditional allies, snubs the traditional National Day of Prayer cereminies, but participated in a national Islamic day of prayer, yet tells the world that America is no longer a Christian nation. I will not vote for Barack Obama because he has broken every promise he made when he was a candidate. I will not vote for Barack Obama because his energy policy is killing American jobs and America's future. I will not vote for Barack Obama because he insists on shoving Obamacare down the throats of Americans even though well over fifty percent of the people want it either totally vetoed, or most of it vetoed.
Now, would I have voted for any African American candidate? Absolutely. I would vote for Herman Cain (I actually contributed to his campaign before he suspended it), I would vote for Allen West, I would have voted for Colin Powell, I would have voted for Condoleezza Rice. But it has nothing to do with their ethnicity; it has everything to do with their experience, their political and economic philosophy, and their values regarding America's place in the world.
My problem with Liberals is that they are hypocrites, and it is very obvious that they do not like America as it functions now, and rather than take a pragmatic view of how to change it, they want to destroy it first, then remake it in their image. Most of them are too young to remember America as I knew it growing up. They cannot remember the America where the Federal Government lived within its restrictions of the Constitution, and left people alone to start and run their businesses. They cannot remember the American where the trial lawyer lobby did not look for every opportunity to pass laws that created and grew the legal industry's pocketbooks to astronomical proportions. They do not remember the days when the U.S. Supreme Court relied on Original Intent as they made decisions, rather than caving in and trying to socially engineer America to the prevailing philosophy of the day, whatever that might be. They do not remember the time when America did not promote and create the "victim mentality" in order to restrict the rights of its citizens more and more. No, they do not remember the great America of the '40s and '50s. But I do.
Most of them do not have access or have not been exposed to the disastrous efforts of those societies in the past that tried to institute a utopian view of society. Communism and socialism have been tried untold times, and in every instance, they have failed. While beautiful in concept, there is no way to create that utopian society on this earth because of the basic sinful nature of man as a creature. If we were all Christ-like individuals, then we would all be able to live in harmony with one another, we would all be in contact with the word and guidance that God has given us, and we would be able to share and share alike.
Unfortunately, the whole world is NOT Christ-like. SATAN has deceived most of the world, and it is basically an evil place. Mankind, by its very nature is greedy, self-centered, and materialistic. And as long as there are evil people in the world, many of them running nations of the world, then America is going to have to have a government and an economy that will put us in a dominant position in this world, or we will be destroyed by those that will manipulate us out of existence as the world power we are now.
We've already sent most of our manufacturing capabilities out of the nation. We buy most of our material goods, clothing, electronics, cars, petroleum produce, and heavy building materials from other nations, when we have abundant capabilities and materials in this nation to do it. We have operated our economy and our import and export business as a nation from a deficit position (buying more goods from overseas than we sell overseas) for decades. In trying to "level" the economic status of everyone towards the middle class, we have given away so much money through entitlement programs (I HATE that term!), that we now have to borrow nearly fifty cents of every dollar our government spends.
We cannot sustain this way of operating as a nation and as a government without disastrous effects. We are seeing that now in Europe with Greece, Italy, and other nations where they have taxed people to the point that they cannot tax them anymore, and they have exhausted their borrowing power, so they are defaulting on their debts, facing riots in the streets because they are having to take away all the freebies that they have given away in order to get elected.
America is looking straight at the disasters overseas, but the liberals in our government (and many of the conservatives also) do not have the political stomach to make the difficult decisions needed here to avoid that in our future. Unless they do, because we are such a huge, diverse nation, we are facing far worse uprisings and economic disasters than Europe ever dreamed of.
Want to know why I would not vote for Barack Obama? Want to why I would not vote for any liberal candidate right now? Because I hear virtually all of them spouting rhetoric that reminds me of the socialist mantra that was spouted all over the USSR from about 1917 until it collapsed in 1989.
Is America's economy broke? Yes, it is. Can the government fix it? Yes, it can, but not following the policies of Barack Obama and the liberals in government. We need to turn the wagon around and go back towards a free, less regulated economy, and to cut government spending drastically so that we spend no more than we take in revenue to cover.
Government is there to protect our nation's people, possessions and territory, to facilitate interstate and international commerce, and to give people the opportunity to pursue their dreams and happiness. It is NOT supposed to be their source of income if they cannot find a job in the private sector. The Nanny State that we have become is certain NOT what the founding fathers intended, in fact it is exactly the opposite of what they intended. It has evolved far too much in the opposite direction, and more resembles the super-powerful centralized Government that the Constitution was written to prevent!
So, America, it is time for all of us regardless of our ethnicity to take off the race-colored glasses and look realistically at the realities of this world. We should NOT vote for Barack Obama, or Joe Biden, or Nancy Pelosi, or Harry Reid, or any other socialist/communist leaning liberal. It is un-American to do so. It goes against everything that the founding fathers intended. Color should, and in most of the people who think like I do, does not, have any influence on whether I vote for somebody or not. Ironic is it not that the same prejudice that the blacks hated and fought so hard to rid the nation of are now more prominent in their society than they are in white society today. Too sad...
As you ponder what I write, more closely ponder those writings of probably the greatest American next to George Washington, our third President, Thomas Jefferson, of whom President John F. Kennedy said: "I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered at the White House - with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone."
" A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circlue (circle) of our felicities.
"An association of men who will not quarrel with one another is a thing which has never yet existed, from the greatest confederacy of nations down to a town meeting or a vestry."
"Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of virtue, and prepares fit tools for the designs of ambition.
"I own that I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive."
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
"Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories."
"Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny."