Friday, May 25, 2012

The ObamaCare Curse Strikes Again!!!

Well, the ObamaCare bureaucrats/terrorists have struck again! To catch everyone up, starting back in March, we started fighting with them when some internal policy change at EXPRESS SCRIPTS, the TRICARE pharmacy contractor, caused them to reverse a decision from less than a year before that which provided my wife a name brand medication when she had a severe reaction to a generic they forced us to try (read about it in these older blog posts if interested: 
We were forced to file a “final” appeal to an outside agency (KePRO) when they turned down the second appeal we filed to EXPRESS SCRIPTS. This time, my wife's physician wrote almost a full page detailing the difficulties that my wife had when she tried the generic, and explained that she was obviously the exception to their claims that the generics were medically equivalent to the name brand.
Well, we were just informed that this appeal was denied as well, and this is the last appeal we can file. The next step is a lawsuit, but I cannot find a lawyer that will file for me because they will not take a case on contingency against the Feds. So...the retired military veteran gets screwed again by the big Federal Government. Those SOBs sit up there, most of them would not know one end of a rifle from the other and have never been in harm's way, they enjoy their gold-plated medical plans and exclude themselves from these crappy plans they force on those that have laid their lives on the line to protect their rights to screw us and pad their own pockets. This is just WRONG!!!
What is even more infuriating, both times my wife's appeals were turned town, I asked to speak to the physician or person who made the final decision, but I was told that was not possible; that they do not allow that. So, what we have in place now at the Federal Healthcare system level are nameless, faceless bureaucrats making decisions about citizen's healthcare that, when questioned or challenged, hide themselves behind their corporate structures and provide the recipients a form letter spouting the corporate lines of garbage, while they ignore the facts.
My fellow citizens, we hear about the nightmares coming with ObamaCare; well they are already here. And they are being shoved down the throats of America's veterans and their families, where they literally do not care about negative consequences which have already surfaced when their decisions were tried, they just say try a different manufacturer of another generic so that we can save $40 bucks a month on a prescription, but possible inflict more suffering and medical problems on the guinea pig patient. Plain and simple: Bureaucrats are already making decisions to the detriment of citizen's medical well being, and their decisions are absolutely opposite to medical evidence from the patient's own local physician(s). It has taken nearly four months to fight the battle thus far.
I have a closing question for you. Had you seen your wife suffering because of a medication, how would you feel being told that her suffering was not back enough or serious enough to justify giving her a medication that she had been taking for years with no side effects, and instead being told that she had to try another, different generic drug and risk more suffering and negative side effects because it costs less than the name brand? If you think this is an acceptable way to have yourself or your loved ones treated, then you need to do nothing. But if you, like me, think this is absolutely unacceptable treatment, then I hope you will call your congressman and senators and tell them of your outrage! That is exactly what I intend to do.

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