Monday, March 2, 2009

The Twilight Zone...It's REAL!!!

In just a little over thirty days, we have seen a trillion dollar "stimulus" bill passed by Congress and signed by the President, a seven-hundred billion dollar plan announced to rescue the flailing financial industry, all on borrowed money, and now yesterday he announced that he plans to cut the U.S. Budget deficit by one-half in his first four years in office.

I feel like I have been transported into a parallel dimension where facts are irrelevant and the truth is whatever our fearless leader says it is, even if it defies all the laws of economics, physics, math, and common sense combined!
He says that he will do this by repealing the Bush tax cuts, increasing the tax rates on anyone making more than $250,000 a year, and increasing the capital gains tax rate.

Ok...look back at history and tell me one time in our nation, or really ANY nation's history where increasing taxes has done anything but REDUCE the total amount of revenue a government collects. The answer...NEVER!!! Why? People and businesses stop spending. When they stop spending, people get laid off, businesses loses sales, revenues drop and tax revenues to the government drop!

Oh...I forget. This is the anointed one, the boy genius, the savior of America that can do no wrong. And he has such a winning team behind him! Barney Frank, the architect of the fall of the financial industry. Joe (alias foot-in-the-mount) Biden, Harry (alias Rail Man) Reid, and the best of all, Nancy (I'll get you, my pretty) Pelosi.

Talk about an axis of evil! We have it sitting in the White House and the halls of Congress. Button up your billfolds, my children, the government is coming to help you!

Wall Street has a lot smarter people than Washington, and it has gone down over five-thousand points since it became evident Mr. Obama would win the White House.
I hope I am wrong; I pray I am wrong, because I love my America, unlike Nancy, Harry, Mr. John (the traitor) Murtha, and our President. I'm afraid that as the old addage goes "those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat its mistakes", we have put our children's and our children's children's fate into the hands of idiots.

"Scotty, beam me up back to the mothership! I've been transported into the realm of nothing but village idiots!!!"

God help us, and God bless America.

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